More of the bedspread and 4,5, and 6

I am getting lots of use out of that old chenille bedspread. I finished these two pillows and this snowman this morning and at this point I am caught up with my 30 in 30 days. It was a beautiful day in Pa today. It was close to 70 here with sunshine, certainly not a normal November day in Pennsylvania. I have all the windows open for probably the last airing of the house today. I managed to also cut out lots of gingerbread ornaments from the wool and some star pennies that I am going to use for ornaments on the little Christmas trees that were a yard sale find this summer. I am making them up in 3 different themes for Christmas gifts for 3 of the girls. I may have to hand those gifts out at Thanksgiving if I can manage to get them done by then so that they have them to use through the holidays.


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