
Showing posts from December, 2021

Scrappy Quilting

  I found this pattern in a quilt magazine that I had never opened. Truthfully, I was looking for paper to start a fire. Fire started, I was browsing and found this pattern  and could not wait to try it!  I had a few oops, well really five oops before I went back and read the directions!    Sometimes I like things "not so precise"  and this quilt fits that so well.   For more of her patterns, go to So, stashbusting is happening at my house! 

Moving Paint

The last two days have been consumed with moving all this paint.    I closed one location and combined it all into the other.    I packed and moved one location in an hour and a half.    Carried the boxes out and loaded them in my van.   I must have been on some type of adrenaline rush because when I got home,  I could not lift the boxes!    I had to cut them almost in half to get them out of the van.    But this evening,  they are all in place!   Whew!    Now to pack all the remaining Christmas items in my booth!    Anybody have a new paint project?  I can ship!     

One Crazy Year

Retirement A surgery Giving up some responsibilities Taking on others Surviving the crazy   Looking back to this time last year, I had no idea how much  would change in a year.   For the better?  Absolutely!  I have sold the shop,  resolved some issues with managing my time,  and had a foot injury fixed.    With retirement came extra time to spend with my parents, which included a long overdue move to a smaller home. What I did not expect was ANOTHER hobby!    My motherā€™s friends have corrupted me!  As if I needed help in creating another crafting obsession!    Above is my most recent FINISHED project.    I guess this obsession is a lot like my other ones. I like to start things, not necessarily finish things.     More on that later.       Happy New Year everyone,  I will be in the sewing roomā€¦or painting studioā€¦or art room...