
What a struggle! I know that there are meds for it! Maybe I need some! Sometimes life just piles up Literally and figuratively. And mine has, First the microwave went. Not the counter top kind, the range hood way overpriced microwave. That's ok, old school, we have a stove. Then my car broke down. Honestly, it was time to buy another one... but I still have the van. Then the dishwasher went. Still have a sink. Then, JWS hit a horse with his truck. (you would be amazed at how many people inquired about the horse's well being prior to JWS' health) In this order: John is fine. The horse is dead. The truck is not good. John was the priority here, he is fine. Everything else is replaceable. Including the horse. Sorry folks if that sounds crass. The horse was not a pet. It was a...