So, this thing befuddles me. The girls said, "Mom, get a straight iron." Not wanting to be labeled behind the times, I bit. I spent $25.88 on this thing. I brought it home, plugged it in, prepared to see a miracle. Years off my hairstyle. With the times. You know, younger. Nothing. I don't get it. If I wanted my hair to look flat and straight like it does when I get out of the shower... or a rainy day... or a humid day... or just out of the pool, I could have saved $25.88 and just dumped a bucket of water over my head. Straight and flat. I have never had a problem with that. And in a brief period in the 70's I was completely in style. Straight and flat. No need to iron my hair. Wash and go. Eighth grade to my Junior year. I was envied for my hair. Glory Days. Now for the flat iron... they said "Use it like a curling iron." Why? I already had a curling i