Hoarder? Me?

Sometimes it just takes the smallest items or incident to make you realize that you might have a problem. For me it was not when I took pictures of my sewing room and then could not post them lest everyone out there in Blogland think that I am a crazy hoarder, or even when my husband ever so gently mentioned that I needed to clean the basement or worse yet when my daughters told me that they were wishing me to die of a slowly progressing terminal illness instead of a sudden death because that way I would have time to get rid of all my treasures and they would not have to do it. Please also note that they did not say the word TREASURES, I had to correct their language and change their description to a more acceptable word. It was not even when watching those hoarder shows that I sometimes feel such a kinship to those people or when my dear husband suggested that I am just a minor trauma or a light bump on the head away from becoming one of them. No, it was not any of those things....

My AHA moment? It was when I finished up this jar of moisturizer and just had to wash it out because it was perfect to hold some little treasures. As I was washing it out I thought to myself, "Cathy, you have a big problem" So, I went to the basement and started cleaning and organizing and throwing out things. I took pictures first, but when I looked at them on the computer screen somehow they looked so bad that again I cannot post them.

I always thought that our work would made a good reality show and that blending a family of teenage and up girls would make a good reality show, but now I realize that the only reality show that we are up for is Hoarders, unless of course they have some skinny, exercising, non-crafty, extremely clean, organized woman who decorates her house in modern chrome and glass and actually cooks and cleans that is available for Wife Swap. I would just be afraid dear hubby would not want me back.


Unknown said…
I've posted pix of my sewing room. Trust me, if I can do it, YOU can do it! lol!
Laurie said…
Oh can I relate! Only it's my husband! I told him if he goes first, I'm renting a dumpster, putting it outside the upstairs window, and pitching everything!
Suzanne said…
The first step is acknowledging you have a problem. ;o) So funny. Sounds like you had a great job spring cleaning. I need to do a little of that too! Maybe tomorrow.
Oh, dear,
One of my daughters made a similar comment this weekend...about all my stuff and what if something happens to me...
Once school gets out, I am going to begin another round of de-stash. Want to keep me accountable?!

Take care ~Natalie
Carol K said…
She who dies with the most wins....don't even ask me how much fiber I have waiting to be spun!

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