
Showing posts from January, 2015

A Big Item

Off the "to-do" list! Don't you just love a finished project?   This desk is to be raffled off by a painting group that I belong to for their spring raffle.   Now back to painting for the new shop!    

A Dark Subject

So, today friends we are going to approach a dark subject. Sick Men Hence the hearts and flowers and sunshine picture! Let me start by stating a few facts that I would like you to remember as I continue this subject line. Fact Number One My husband is an expert caregiver. To me, to strangers, to friends and there was no better son when his mom was sick! Fact Number Two He rarely really gets sick. Fact Number Three I would not trade him for anything!   That being said, I would like to relate the timeline of my life for the last 96 hours of my life. (that sounds so much better to me that 4 days)   96 Hours Ago Friday 7:00 AM Everything was as normal as it gets in our lives. We were in Hershey, PA for the PA State Fair Convention JWS' voice is a little throaty. Nothing unusual considering the party we attended the night before.   Business as usual. 90 Hours Ago Friday 1:00 PM Lunch and I notice his eyes are a...

Another Visit to Hershey

Always a fun time. We won two third place prizes.    Not bad, considering it is the first time I have ever tried to enter anything. Snow, of course. Our winning table display. Treasure the Memories.   I have one more year to figure out Harvest the Fun!   All ideas accepted!     And , I took the Serv-Safe test.   Ten days until the results. What a long wait.   I think I passed though.  

Kiwi, A Van and the Eiffel Tower

Santa A hair cut Face Scrubbies Serv Safe Pa State Fair Convention New Easels Cherry M&M's and The EASY BAKE OVEN!   What a day!   I can't even remember it all. I had asked Shawnee to come up and cut my hair. It needs colored...bad. There was no way it was going to pull through a frosting cap in it's present length and damaged state.   She forgot her scissors and razor.   I had scissors.... ever have your hair cut with a rotary cutter?  Neither had I... until yesterday.   Studying for the Serv Safe test one week from today.   Not a big studier!  I have been working on these face scrubbies in between. I would much rather crochet. Santa?  They are never going to get put away at this rate... they are red, won't they qualify as Valentine dĆ©cor?   I get to work....very late. Just in time to have a grocery list handed to me for when I pick up ...

A Great Day of Picking!

Metal to add to collages.   A cute little suitcase! Two of these tool carriers A box of aprons and the two little dresses were a surprise! A fun yellow box. I might keep that! A nice little maple stand. Drawers and More Drawers Some nice oak end tables and a handmade bread box.   It was a great day!   I have to get a van!