Finishing Day

I spent the day, other than a short playtime with the Princess, finishing up some of the stuff that has been cluttering my paint area. Some of these are from the procrastinator's challenge that I entered at A Hole in the Basket.

What a good feeling to have some of these finished. The bread raising pan and the pencil holder are staying here, but I will be looking for a home for the bowl and the butter churn.

This was a last minute gift for my step daughters grandparents in law. Last minute because I forgot about it, not her. She managed to tell me in plenty of time, I managed to forget.


pammyjo said…
Your work is beautiful. You are a very talented painter. I loved visiting and seeing your pieces. Wonderfully inspiring. + I have some of your work.Yipppeeee!
I love your work...your talent amazes me! I have chosen you to receive an award. Please stop by my blog to pick it up! Natalie
kris said…
Your bread-raising pan is gorgeous! Thanks for your comment on my blog!
Kris :)

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