Procrastinator's Challenge

Ann at A Hole in the Basket Primitives is having a Procrastinator's Challenge Giveaway, nothing like a little competition to get me going. Here is my entry!
So here they are, my items that I have been putting off. I have lots of needlework started but it would not seem fair to add that because that is all that I want to work on right now.

1 and 2. The blue barrel and the milkcan that I have started for two different customers and they have been more than patient with me about them. I have trouble painting what someone else wants...I want to do what I want. Sounds bratty, doesn't it? Anyway I just found out that I may be going on a trip and I think that I am going to need the extra money that these will bring in.

3 and 4. The butter churn and the wood bowl have been sitting on my paint counter for longer than I even want to admit, let's say a year, that's my story anyway. They are not for anyone in particular, they will tell me who they are for as I paint them, in other words which one of the girls is going to have to add them to their house to dust.

5. The bread raising pan is mine, I bought another one several years ago and painted it and sold it and felt bad that I had sold it. About a month after that, one of John's buddies showed up here one day and he had been at an auction and had saw that and bid on it thinking that it was something I would like...very touching and I feel so bad that I have not painted it yet, but I was not sure where I wanted to set it and wanted it to be PERFECT.

6. The bookshelf is for my granddaughter's books. I want it done for her birthday on the 27th. It is the newest, unseasoned piece in the collection.

There you have it, now I am off to make those paintbrushes fly!


Amber said…
Hey Cathy! I need your email address. I keep leaving my questions on your blog. Sorry.

I asked my friend Denise to come next Tuesday. She's very into primitive decorating so I knew she'd love this class. How long do you think it will last? She'd have to leave her daughter at her mom's since her husband is on late shift, but she doesn't want to leave her there until really late.

Oh, and I'm going to bring a snack of some sort. Maybe some chocolate cake from Tastefully Simple?
Tami said…
I look forward to seeing what you paint on each item!

Have a wonderful day!
Patti said…
I know how fast you can paint so I'm sure they will be done in no time. I'm looking forward to seeing the results. Patti
Ann said…
I'm glad that you're going to join the Challenge. I'm going to post your entry on my blog later today. Ann
Sue said…
Yes I know you can put kahlua on the Death By Chocolate but it is so expensive I don't use it....Your granddaughter is so cute...Thanks for stopping by..

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