A quick reminder about the giveaway.

As I am work, kicking and screaming about being here. You see I was enjoying the Holiday Break a little too much and while I know that I need a little structure in my life or we would be digging our way out of craft supplies and wasting away to nothing, the cupboards and refrigerator would be a great place to start storing paints and brushes and wood....or maybe I could learn to make candles, that would utilize the stove, but in the end I had to go back to work today.

The reminder would be about the giveaway for the wool. I know that initially I posted that I would draw the name sometime in mid January, but I am going to draw it tomorrow morning. I think that winter is flying by and you might want that wool a little sooner. If anyone is interested, please sign up tonight and I'll draw the winner in the morning.


ohiofarmgirl said…
My dd went back to school today and I cant believe that the holiday has come and gone...it makes me sad. Dianntha
Raggedy Angel said…
Yes, i would like to enter your giveaway....If I did't already!
Oh just throw me in twice! Beth

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