Reorganization, Beanie, and more hats and scarves

This is the view into my sewing room, (I am still experimenting with curtains) I spent part of yesterday afternoon reorganizing it and trying to make the space more user friendly. This room was my step-daughters and she got married in September. It was the biggest bedroom other than ours and in my mind I wanted it for my sewing room. After John and I mourned her leaving and went through the whole empty nest thing .....for about three days.....we healed and I tore into this room painting and making it into my space. I found this old rocker at a yard sale for $10 and the seat needs recovered and I had not actually even sat in it, just set it in that room and stacked stuff on it. After I rearranged the room yesterday I sat down in it and I love it. It is so comfortable, now to get it recovered, another thing on the list.
Does anyone else have one of these laying around? That would surely tell your age if you admit it. This was my husbands and I have lots of old toys in the one spare bedroom. Tyler has just disovered that room and when he is here, he wants to visit it, (and my sewing room and the things that they can get into there). Logan of course, who right now wants to do EVERYTHING that Tyler does, tags along and the other day he spotted this doll up on the shelf and wanted it. I tried to convince him to take other toys but there was no reasoning with him (after all, how much "reasoning" can you do with a 20 month old) I gave it to him and he was totally into holding this doll and playing with it and talking to it and Tyler was scared to death of it. He would not come within 10 feet of Logan and that doll, did not even want to be in the same room with it and when Logan passed him in the hallway he glued himself to the wall yelling, "Please put the doll away!" His aunts all tend to agree that the doll is scary looking. I am thinking that Logan has finally found something to protect him from his brother though and something that his brother will not take from him. How smart is this little guy?

And yes, two more sets of hats and scarves. I seem to be on a blue and biege kick now with them.

Thanks everyone for all the nice comments on my suspected faux pas regarding the term that I used for my husband. I am glad that it appears that I have not offended anyone.
I will be drawing the winner of the wool giveaway in the morning. Anyone who is still interested, please sign up.


Amber said…
Love your sewing room!

I have to agree with Tyler - that doll scares me too!

The class sounds awesome. Holly emailed me something about that this morning, but I've been cleaning and haven't had a chance to call her. Is it next Tuesday? Let me know and I'll see if I can be there.

Now, I need to go check out your wool giveaway...
Ann said…
Arent' those knitting looms addictive? I've made 3 hats in the last week. I started on a scarf, without any directions and I'm thinking I need to look online for advice. I used 2 strands of yarn, maybe I only needed one. Plus I think it is going to take much longer to do than the hat! I like doing the hats because they are instant gratification! Ann
pammyjo said…
I love your sewing room. Is that a lap desk under there? I tole painted one of those years ago. I wish I had it, but I sold it at a craft fair. I too, was to happy and content staying home for the holiday break. I'm back to reality. Sob! But, I'm thankful for my job and I'll keep plunking away because I like spending too. Giggle.
That doll is seriously scary! What is Logan thinking with that one!
Nate's Mom said…
I'm trying to figure out why it is that my husband's school started back today and the kids have another week at home WITH ME! I'm looking forward to the routine too.

I love that blue scarf! I have made several as gifts in the last couple of months, but nothing for myself. Maybe it's time, lol. Actually, I was looking for yarn today for something for me, but didn't find anything I loved.

Fingers crossed that my name gets drawn, just so I can explore these penny rugs.

Sheri in CA

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