She loves yarn, too!

I put this crate of yarn in my sewing room with all the little leftover pieces of yarn in it. I am using them for squares for an afghan. Gracelyn had so much fun throwing the balls all over the floor last night and then she decided to "knit" them all together. That is going to take Grammie awhile to straighten out. Actually it took a little work just to get her untangled.
Obseessed? I think so. I really need to pack up the Christmas decorations but I keep thinking just one more hat and scarf set, do nativities, snowmen, gingerbreads, and Santas count as Valentine's decorations? St. Patricks Day? After all they are red and green holidays....Easter? and when am I going to get that deck stained if I still have yarn?

I did get the first item on the Procrastinator's Challenge finished yesterday morning. I am sure that this customer would like something in the top of this, I am thinking a flower arrangement, not that I would want it that way but I think that she will. I have flowers laid out in the basement (dragged out of the attic "stash" of flowers), what to do? It is so hard to do something that is not my taste in decorating.


Just beautiful not my taste either but your painting is wonderful:)
Amber said…
That picture of Gracelyn entangled in yarn is adorable. I've let my kids play with my yarn. They have so much fun with it. Ian makes huge "Spiderman webs" with it. I mean, these webs stretch through the living room, into the kitchen. It's a pain to unwind and clean up, but he has so much fun doing it.
Patti said…
It turned out really pretty and of course you have your signature checkerboard there too. I'm sure she will love it. Patti
Tami said…
Gracelyn is precious all a tangle in her yarn! Your project that you did is beautiful!

Have a wondeful day!

Unknown said…
You did a wonderful job on the painting!...How cute is she with all that yarn around her!
Holly said…
She is getting so big! Wow, it seems like yesterday she was born, how old is she now? What a cutie!!!
Laurie said…
Gracelyn is adorable! I love what your doing with your barrel.
I'm keeping up my pink tree, decorating it for Valentines Day. One less thing to take down!
Yes, it looks like she is having sooo much fun with the yarn. And it looks like you've been having fun with yarn too!! Have a good weekend. Natalie
Jean said…
Your Grandaughter is adorable. What a good time she is having! You did a super job on the barrel. Jean
What a cute picture of your granddaughter all wrapped up in the yarn...I'm like that most of the time! Just love your tole painting.

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