Blue Jean Recycling Morning

The huge stack of blue jeans is now becoming more manageable. I started cutting this morning and so far these photos are the by-products. Flat felled seams for coasters. (check out the Polka Dot Pineapple) The buttons from the waists and some cute little change pockets.
A stack of back pockets...

The hems, I don't know for what but could not throw them away.

and the rest of the stack that still needs cut, but for now I have a blister from the scissors.

And I could not finish without trying one coaster.

I have been collecting these jeans because I have an idea to make I SPY quilts for my grandchildren for Christmas. More on that later. I think I am close to having enough, now I just have to gather the spying items. I can see them in my mind...hope that I can create them.
I found out yesterday that I have to have a hysterectomy on April 1st. That gives me about 11 days to get things in order and have lots of sitting projects ready to be finished, books gathered to be read, and movies taped to watch, oh yeah and did I mention that I HAVE to get my taxes ready, a little procrastinating has been going on there. Suppose I should clean a little also, I really don't like sitting around and looking at a dirty house. Somehow it does not seem to bother me when I feel good, but when I am drives me crazy!


Cindy said…
Jeans are so useful!! I have bags... maybe I should break them down to more useable stacks - it makes more sense now that I see yours!! AND I'M LIKING THAT COASTER!!

Oh, girl, I'm sorry about you having to have surgery!! Get things ready, have them labeled so people can wait on you and grab them when the fingers are snapped!! hehehe! It's really really sad we have to have major surgery to take a break and be waited on!! You will be in my prayers for a safe surgery and speedy? recovery....... You let me know if you need speedy or a sorta drawn out recovery (but painless!).

Have a great weekend!! Sunny here:)
BurttBunch said…
Praying your hysterectomy goes smoothly!

That sounds like a cool idea...the I kids love doing those!

Praying your surgery come out makeing you feel wayyyy much better! Isn't it awful what us women go through?

How interesting the projects you have going with the jeans...I'm anxious to see what a SPY quilt is.

Just me again,
I read on down the list of interesting the items you use for rugs...I'm impresssed!
I have stacks of jeans my have motivated me to get started.
Keep us posted on your surgery. My thoughts are with you. ~natalie
Hoping everything goes well for the surgery...the jeans will be great for projects:)
Ann said…
Cathy, I like the blue jean coasters! We are using ours in the basement. When I finished them up, DD - Carrie fawned over them. Wow - we got the approval of the 14 year old!

Keep us posted on your recovery - wish I could make you a dinner to have ready to throw in the oven one night. I'll keep you in my prayers. ~Ann
Kim said…
WHA? Oh my goodness I love those coasters! I may have to dismember some jeans just for coasters!!!!! :o)
Mary said…
Way cool coasters! I always threw away the seams, never again!
Sorry to hear about your surgery, it sounds like you'll have plenty to keep your mind occupied while you recuperate also. Hoping for a very speedy recovery!
Meggie said…
Looks like recycling at its best! Very creative and quite useful. Great idea!
Lois said…
How in the world did you ever get the idea of making coasters from blue jeans?!? What a perfectly smart idea. I would never, in a million years, have thought to do something like that! Too cool!
I hope you post a pic of the Spy quilt becase I have no clue as to what it is..... pun intended...hee..hee..But seriously please post pictures!
As for your surgery, I will mention you in my prayers, if you don't mind. I believe prayer is a powerful healer and it never ever hurts to have the Big Guy in your corner.
Blessings and have a great week and a very successful surgery.

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