Hunting Eggs, Procrastination, and Can a Lollipop bring this much JOY?

Sheer JOY! To be this young and to have something as simple as a lollipop bring this much joy! I think it was the highlight of his day! Sunday morning I woke up with the idea that I SHOULD have made each of the girls a necklace for Easter. Although shopping is not yet on my recovery list, I realized that I COULD have made them something and that is when I also realized that it is not too late. Off to the craft room at 5 in the morning and before I went to church I had three of them made, after church one more and wrapped them in dishcloths for each of the girls.

It was fun to bead again and I think that I will make another to add to the Recovery Giveaway that I am having....make sure that you go and sign up for it. I will be drawing the winner next Sunday.....official jolt into reality day that it is time to get back to the real world. So far...the Recovery Giveaway contains a dishcloth, of course, and a penny rug and a couple of painted pieces and hopefully will contain a lovely piece of jewelry by next week. All you have to do is post a comment on my 100th post to be entered!

An Easter pic of all my "girls" From l to r, Dianna, Shelby,(who will be adding another girl in June) Shawnee, Gracelyn, and Jennifer.
And poor little Logan was exhausted from too many Easter parties and was sound asleep when Jenn and Chris got there last evening. Gracelyn has other plans for him though and appears to be asking for help in getting her "baby" as she calls him, awake.

"If I can just use this sippy cup as a stool, I can get the extra heighth I need to get to him."

And finally on tip-toe she manages to give him a kiss.

Maybe Uncle Ryan and Uncle Travis hid those Easter Eggs a little too well.

Not for this sharp little girl, she was finding them.
"Here Logan, you keep carrying and I'll keep finding, what do you think that I woke you up for?"
"Boy, I wish that I could move as fast as him, but I can barely keep my balance!"

"There's another of those little buggers and no one is watching"

And in the end, the little boy who waited all week to go hunt eggs at Aunt Shelby's only wanted to play on the computer and play baseball.

Everyone had a great nice to have the whole family together! I am truly blessed to have a blended family that get along and enjoy spending time together. I am also counting my blessings that while so many families are scattered around the country and world, I have mine all within 20 miles of me and for that I am truly thankful!


Cindy said…
awww, just precious!

beading is just that easy, eh? hmmm, that looks like something that could hold my attention for the entire time of completing a project! hehehe

only 1 more week of recovery? that sounds promising!
pammyjo said…
I'm glad your recovering enough to enjoy Easter. Looks like you had a busy one. I'm thankful our family is close and enjoy goofing around together. It is truly a gift from God. Love little Gracelyn's coat. All of them are so cute and precious. Keep feeling better. Hug!
Carol K said…
Great ARE lucky to have them so close! Mine were all here, but it takes them an hour and a half to get to Grandma's! Love the necklaces....glad you are feeling better.
Glad you are feeling better and I love the necklaces!!!
Yes, we are lucky to have them all near, now Michael lives in Maryland about 4 hrs away but manages to get home for the holidays so that's okay:)

Love that little ones coat, I just love that age...beautiful daughters too:)
Tymes Past said…
Looks like a day full of fun! Love the necklaces, especially the last one...that's a craft I haven't tried yet...hope each new day finds you feeling better than the previous one! Take care...

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