Recuperation...or how many hours

can you actually spend in a recliner? Most of yesterday afternoon and today have been spent in this recliner...can you tell by the mess that I have accumulated around is like a nest for me. Tomorrow I hope to spend some time here...

and here.


Tami said…
Glad you are doing well! Looks like lots of projects going on while you are sitting in that recliner.
Hope you are feeling 100% soon!
Raggedy Angel said…
You keep on taking it easy....whereever you can! Beth
Cindy said…
I am so happy you're sick of the recliner already!! That means you're doing good!!

As long as there's a chair, sit wherever you want!! ........and I'm loving your porch, Cathy!!
Laurie said…
Hi Cathy! I'm happy you're home and doing well! Just don't over do, and you'll do great. Enjoy your many seats, are you walking upright yet? :)
Awww...I sure hope your feeling better...Love your porch too:)
Ann said…
Cathy, Glad that you're home and on the mend. Looks like you have projects to keep you busy! Have a great weekend. ~Ann
I am so glad to hear you are home and in the recliner. I had a hysterectomy 4 years ago and spent about 10 days in the I'm glad to hear you are recuperating at home. Take care ~Natalie
Tymes Past said…
Hi Cathy,

Hope you're feeling better than you were when I saw John the other day...he was picking up the wonderful drugs the doc ordered for you! Hope they helped make you more comfortable without making you goofy (smile). It looks like you have been taking advantage of the projects you gathered for your recuperation time...take care of yourself and hope you don't go too stir crazy until you're fully healed!

Smiles and sunshine...Bev
Lois said…
Hi Cathy!
I was glad to read that your home and starting to recuperate. With all the sitting places waiting for you to visit it looks like you won't get bored with the same old view everyday. That's a good thing!
Get well soon.
Take care.
Cathy, as long as you aren't in any of those chairs then it's a good sign that you are getting much better! Do take care though.
Chanda said…
Hope all is well, rest up and take good care of yourself.
BurttBunch said…
Hope you got to get outside! It was really nice yesterday! Keep taking it easy!

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