Before and Afters

The before for this pic was the lazy susan that was in the last post. and the before for this was in another post titled A Big Mess.

Now on to the rest of the clean-up.

After...not a whole lot better but at least I now know what is in there.








pammyjo said…
As my grandkids would say, "You rock!"
I got some cleaning you can do....please? I'll feed you!!!! LOL!!
eeekj35 said…
wow, that has to feel great! Everything looks nice and organized. Good for you!! I love the redo on the wood stuff!! Kim
Wonderful organizing! Makes you feel so much better doesn't it?
Have a great day.
Wish I were that ambitious!
Balisha said…
You're a whiz at organization. Isn't it hard to keep craft supplies tidy, when you are working? I always have stuff everywhere and then it's a huge mess to clean up.It;s nice to have a place where things can be left out until you are finished.
Your last project is really nicely done.
Unknown said…
GREAT job on the wooden plate!!

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