Chock full of Checkers

These items were in various stages of completion on my painting table so yesterday AM, they all received checkers and vines. and a few stars. They all need varnished and I bought some of those little tealights for the one on the left and need to get some rosehips and a few cute little bowl filler thingies to finish it off.
I haven't painted any of this prim stuff in quite awhile. It was fun to do again, so quick and easy.

Now to find homes for them. Etsy has not proved to be a good outlet for me. Any ideas?


Jenny said…
Those pieces turned out so lovely, Cathy! I am in love with anything checkerboard, especially distressed checkerboard - :) Have you tried any of your local antique/specialty shops? Perhaps they would be interested in carrying them in their stores. Summer is here - lots of festivals. Have you ever gathered up your treasures and purchased a space at one? Just some thoughts.

Have a lovely day!
Ann said…
Good looking pieces. Sorry that Etsy hasn't worked. Have you tried local art fairs? I know that they are a lot of prep work, but if you market items as "reused, repurposed" it might really take off. ~Ann
Your work is fantastic...I think just the right person needs to discover you. I'd list often, to keep your shop near the top, and be sure to use all 14 tags to increase the chance of your stuff coming up in the buyers searches. Those bowls and boxes are wonderful...
Dawn said…
Oh, your work is fantastic! You are very talented. I love the style in the stars and vines. I so wish I could paint like that. Great job!
Colleen said…
You are so talented! How much will you be selling them for???
Laurie said…
It's all so great Cathy, I agree with the fairs and craft shows.
Tymes Past said…
Love them! Love stars anything and the checks really top it off...the little tote and box with handle are my favs.

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