Things to be thankful for.

I am thankful that VBS is done for another year. I love it, but it is so tiring for John and I. We just get out of work, hot and tired and then race home, hope to fit in a shower and off to the church, only to be hot all over again, drop into bed only to be back at work before 7 the next morning. Could they have it in January when business is slow?

Thankful also that people in the church supply a meal every night for the VBS workers or we would be starved on top of tired. There is no time for a meal between work and VBS!

I am REALLY thankful that Tyler, in his first church performance last night, did not rip off his shirt in a dancing frenzy the way that he did in practice. If the Baptists can frown on dancing, I am sure that a three year old Chippendale dancer would get excommunicated! Although as a side note, his performance on video tape might win some money for his parents even without the stripping!
It was hilarious!

Thankful for a job where I can slip some $$$ in my jeans pocket and slide out the door with the excuse of going to get the mail and hit a yard sale and the boss doesn't even need to know....until he got in my car to go to VBS and found the stash! These were my finds...and all for around $8.

Not really sure what this is, but I am going to have hubby take the rings off for me and do something with it.

These frames were $1 each...great buy, I think!
Also, I am thankful that we have enough work and that we are busy at work when so many places are slow, although I am not real happy about working on a Saturday this week. I have been really spoiled with my Saturdays off and I was planning this one to work in my yard.
Do you really think that anyone will notice that the four foot tall milkweed in the landscaping is not a perennial?


Suzanne said…
Sounds like VBS was exhausting, but those activities for young people are so important. I'm so glad there are people like you who put aside their own comforts for the greater cause! I really admired you for helping.

Love your finds at the yard sale. I think that one item is a hand towel holder for a bathroom counter. Love that black and white plate!
That sure is a perk to be able to go to a yard sale while on the job! Good for you! Love all that you found and I think the thing that you wasn't to sure of what it was is a hand towel holder:)

I'm sure your grandson is tired now!
Linda Cardella said…
All of that for $8! You have better yard sales... and I can vouch for that. Love the plate ;o) as you know.
I think it's a bathroom towel holder too... for people who are sqeamish about using someone else's hand towel (I have no idea).

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