Yard sales and a Quick Redo

Yesterday was the annual pilgrimage to the Yard Sales of the Rich and Famous as we like to call it. Actually, I think it was my SIL who first said that and the name has stuck. These yard sales are in a housing development about 35 miles from where we live. It was the 23rd year this year for them and they are so popular that they turn the streets to one way and have police directing traffic. They are beautiful homes and I enjoy the walking and looking at every one's landscaping as much as the yard sales...well almost. This was Kendall's first yard saleing trip and she did wonderful! How we are training this new generation!
So here are some of my finds. Three wool coats $5 each
Wool sweater .75
Set of four suitcases $3.oo for the set.

Two teapots .75 each
Lazy Susan $2.00
Shutters $3.00
Typewriter $1.00
Left handed golf clubs to be cut down for Logan $1 each
Silver pitcher $1.00
Divided box $1.00
Tray on these cute little metal legs $1.00
Book and music player $3.00
I also found three sewing boxes for $1 each...lots of buttons and old sewing notions....
and my favorite find....

was this little rocking chair for $25. Now don't gasp in horror or anything because I painted it. I know that there are some out there that would not paint something like this..
But for where I wanted to put it, painting was my option.

Today's projects are my sewing room closet and the cupboard in my painting room. I need room in the sewing room closet and have shelves to put in there and the painting closet needs a shelf cleaned off for my latest addiction...paper crafts or altered art or whatever we want to call it but it now has grown to need it's own space.
The BEST gift of yesterday and I can't thank him enough. I left my filthy car at my daughters house for the day while we shopped and when I got back, my son-in-law had washed and WAXED my car and cleaned the inside...even scrubbling the carpet. It was like an episode of Clean House or Trick my Truck or something! My smart aleck daughters made some comments about forgetting what color my car actually was but in truth I forgot how pretty the color actually is. It is called Black Amethyst and it really looks like that again. Thank-you, thank-you THANK-YOU was all that I could say! What a special gift!!!!!


Dawn said…
what great finds you found! I just love tag sales. How nice is your son-in-law? He must be a keeper. My mom always says she has 4 kids, two biological and two not( the in-laws) sometimes I think she likes them better!!LOL
pammyjo said…
I soooo...want to go to the places you yard sale and goodwill at. You find the best stuff. My daughter and I missed the hwy. 34, mile after mile of yard sales this year. You're the best. Thanks for dropping by my blog and sending your prayers, greatly appreciated. I wish you lived closer. LOL :) P
ohiofarmgirl said…
Looks like you hit the lottery.
Love the chair...and I would love a car wash. Maybe this week I will have my girls work on that. Dianntha
What a great SIL you have, such a neat suprise huh?

Love all you found and the rocker is fabulous!!!
Have a great Sunday!
Patti said…
Love how the chair turned out.
Jenny said…
What treasures, you lucky girl!! Fabulous work on the rocking chair ... absolutely too cute and so inspiring!!

My hands are just itchin' to pick up a paintbrush and start on the list of projects that keeps on building ... why only 24 hours in a day??? WHY? LOL!

Amber said…
I love how you redid the chair! It looks great!

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