Eleven Entries in a Giveaway?

C'mon, this could make person have a complex! Every giveaway that I enter has at least 40 thousand people enter it and of course I NEVER win! This giveaway that I am offering has 11 entries...count them ELEVEN!!!!! So I am going to try one more time....These are the items that you can pick from if you win. There are five items....1. The silver pitcher, 2. Teapot, 3. Lunchbox, 4. Train case, 5. Suitcase.

You pick if you are the winner and I will ship it off to you pronto!
Now maybe this was the catching point...you have to WORK for this giveaway, you have to tax your brain and think for just a little bit. Hey, it's not that hard.
I am making growth charts for my grandchildren and need thoughts on what to paint on them for each age....read the previous post, so all you have to do is post one item for each age group....try not to duplicate, but if you do, you will still be entered.
Just post with three items.
1. 1-5 years
2. 6-10 years and
3. 11 and up.
There have to be more than ELEVEN of you out there with ideas.


Good Morning, I would definately like to enter your giveaway...sooo, will be back with my thoughts on your age groups. Right now, I'm not feeling very creative...
I would like to enter.
1-5 I see cartoon characters.Micki,Mini,Donald etc
6-10 I see hot wheels
11- dinosaurs

judy j
Debra said…
I am not sure I am very good at this but I will give it a try
1-5 years old- sailboats- trains- airplanes
6-10 years old-puppies, kittens, fish
11 years old- cell phones, ipods, dvd's
BurttBunch said…
Ok....I have been thinking about this and this is what I came up with. What if you used Bible characters. Like Adam and Eve, Zaccheaus, Esther, Sampson, and end with David or something. You could use a tree for the boy and Adam and Eve could start it and then Zaccheus and David could be at the top. Girl wise....there is Esther, Ruth, Tabitha, Susanna.
Alot of my other ideas where taken....LOL
I like the frogs/animals for boys and all princess stuff for the girls. It looks like lots of fun!
Hmmm, I posted three items for each age group!! Two for the girls and one for the boy. Hope I didn't confuse ya!!!!! LOL!!
I REALLY love that traincase.
I'll make you anything you want for that traincase! ...if someone else doesn't win it, of course.
Anonymous said…
I will give it a go too.
1-3 stack of books this way and that names of nursery rhymes on binder side,or inch worm climbing a ladder ruler marks on it

6-10 stair steps with bible verses to memorize per inch of growth,or planet stytems and stars etc

11 up girls, giant high heeled painted side veiw shoe whymsicaly paintd poka dots the heel can have ruler marks on it.
boys how about goal lines of sports. every inch they grow is a gaol.you could even set a goal in life for them ex, be good to others,smile at a neighbor,random act of kindness.one per inch

thats it head is spinning on more but i limited myself.
Kathy said…
well .. not so sure about this.. but..
1-5 both boys and girls...see alphabets..numbers.. shapes..
6-10 boys.. trucks, cars
girls.. dolls, tea sets
11+ boys.. motorcycles, golf clubs, baseball bats??
11+ girls.. music, dancing, shoes.. clothes..
can hardly wait to see what you come up with.. and would love to win something too..
hope this isn't too late..lol

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