Flying paintbrushes

As you might have read in a previous post, my dear husband was a little "grouchy" the other morning and that is being polite. Well, it turns out that he actually did have some kind of bug or flu or something. He spent all day yesterday on the couch and in the recliner with a fever, alternating sweating and freezing and not a very happy camper. We were supposed to have all the kids to our house for a cook-out that I cancelled early in the morning. Trying very hard to keep my distance and not bother him, after church I holed up in my painting room and the paintbrushes were flying. These two ginger items just need some homespun tied on the handles and they will be finished.
The book was an experiment...not sure if I like it.
This is the train case that I bought at Hazen last week. I still have to make a tag for it and tie homespun on the handle and find a little key to hang on it. I love finding these little train cases, they are always so much fun to paint.

I had a close up loaded also, wonder where that went?


I would love to be able to paint like that!!! Great pieces! I have an old suitcase I would like to paint on but I'm too chicken!! LOL!!!
cwa said…
Oh my gosh, your painting is so cute. I just love looking at your work. Thanks for showing us.
Anne said…
Everything is beautiful as ususal...I LOVE the book..looks nice and prim...hmmm I may have to steal that idea for my piano???
Balisha said…
I love your painting too. You have such a talent with the paintbrush.
Kathy said…
Those turned out great.. but am still laughing over gotta love days like that..
Molly Griffith said…
Know anyone who has some old keys?

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