5K Heinz Field

How appropriate I thought these flowers were planted outside of Heinz Field. Black and Gold! The first part of today was spent at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh. This was John's 2nd 5k Run. Our son-in-law, Chris decided to run it also.
This was the "before" picture of the runners.

Jenn and Chris

The start of the race. There were over 3000 runners!

Waiting for the return, Jenn and I took in some sights.... The entrance to Heinz Field. just in the event that some of you are not familiar, this is the home of the Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers!

The city skyline,

Duquesne Incline

Heinz Field Architecture

The Carnegie Science Center

John crossing the finish line! He cut several minutes off of his last 5k finish. I missed a pic of Chris crossing. He had a great finish also considering that he had not been training.

And then he had a "moment". Standing in line for the runner's snacks after the race, he said that it was not that long ago, just last winter he was standing in the same spot eating Quaker Steak and Lube wings at the AFC Championship Game at over 300 pounds. How far he has come and how well he has done. I am proud of him!


Great post and so much fun seeing familar sights:) Been to them all.
Congrats to the runners they had nice weather for it!
That's fantastic!! I doubt I could finish the race! LOL!!
I love Pittsburgh. Did you happen to visit the new casino when you were in that area? We went past it last week and even though we're not gamblers, I kinda wanted to stop just to see what it looked like inside. We didn't have the time though.
Your package is in the mail and on it's way to you!
I know this is an old post, but I loved looking at your Pittsburgh pics as they brought back lots of wonderful memories of staying with my Gram for the summer as a kid. She would take me to ride the incline every chance we got.

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