Trouble in Blogland

Seriously Folks, real trouble! While most of the time I call my obsession with blogs, INSPIRATION, I am now calling it trouble. It is 7:30 AM and I have just taken pumpkins out of the oven, with a quick trip through the broiler. Char at Pickled Pepper Patch had these on her blog yesterday and I just had to try them. I ran up to my sewing room, well to be fair it was early and I probably hobbled to my sewing room, the knees don't always work well in the morning, and found this chenille bathrobe that I had found for $1 at a yard sale two weeks ago and started cutting circles, dinner plate circles, knitting loom circles, and the top of a ribbon reel circles. I sewed a couple of them before I had to go to work and then while Little Miss Kendall napped last evening I sewed the rest. This morning I ran (again hobbled) around the house to find a spray bottle and sprayed these and cooked them. Really, was this necessary? I have a 12 hour shift at the Firemen's Stand at the fair today and John is now standing in the kitchen looking at hot pumpkins and I am sure not happy with the smell of hot, wet wool. Oh yeah, I had to make some wool ones also. His comment just was, "Do you just put butter on those?"
Karen at My Colonial Home as well as many others of you are always decorating and I must confess that while I love to decorate, the thought of cleaning BEFORE the decorating really stifles the interior decorator in me, however I had bought these wood boxes about two weeks ago and thought that I would try them on the hearth. I like them there. I dusted with my hand, does that count?

Cath's Pennies Designs always makes me want to get my hands into my wool stash, and as you can see Create and Decorate is right under the basket of wool.

Kim at Threadheads Unite was part of my inspiration to start those quilts for the boys, I'll get back to those after the fair.

And there is a list of ingredients on my list for town for the Scalloped Peppers from Cobblestone Farms. Natalie at Tins and Treasures was actually cleaning! Why did that not inspire me? Her lovely scarves though are part of the reason that I decided to learn to knit last year.
Amber, Holly and Carrie at Making a Home, Life's Adventure, and A Little Piece of Life are great examples of Christian mothers raising children in God's Love. What an example they are setting.
Ann at A Hole in the Basket is always making the neatest baskets, that will be on my retirement list.
Pam at Grammy's Altered Life and Les at Harmony Road Studio make me run for the paper crafts
I love all of Lynn's flowers at Flower Gardening despite the fact that mine were terrible this year!
Couldn't someone make me want to cook and clean more?
I could go on, check out my Blog Roll, there is some great inspiration there!


Amber said…
Good morning! Looks like you're going to have a rainy day at the fair today!

Those pumpkins are interesting. Why do you bake them? I really like the bright orange ones.

Hey, thanks for mentioning my blog. That was sweet of you.
Unknown said…
Girl...YOU ARE TOO FUNNY!....I laugh cuz that is all so true!...and you know I dust exactly like you my own built in "Swiffer"....MY HAND!!!....hahahahahaha
Yeah, I sweep with my hand too especially when I'm taking

Love those pumpkins! I need to do those pumpkins of course I have to do the sunflowers first.
Lynn said…
I saw the pumpkins too and can't wait to try them... But I am in the middle of another one of those projects I shouldn't be working on right now while there is way to many other things I have to do!!! LOL But sometimes we just can't help ourselves!!! And I am way to OCD!!! Have fun at the fair!!!
lOVE those punkins! You keep me inspired with all you do. I read once, don't worry about dusting any higher than your tallest friend!
Ann said…
You are my kindred sister! I don't have time to cook either - other than drying dolls in the oven, dolls that I painted black this morning! I also couldn't agree more about cleaning before putting out seasonal decorations - each year the task gets more daunting. Should I even admit that I still have prim/grungy eastet eggs on my prim tree in the basement family room? Have a great weekend! ~Ann
pammyjo said…
I so relate! LOL on the hand swiffer. What was God thinking when he created dust. Hmmm! I saw and like the pumpkins, they are great. You and Char are so creative and inspiring. Rock on! You need to contact a publisher.
Haha ... yes, dusting with the hand counts as does blowing on the dust. Whatever works. Not too long ago, I put a picture on Ebay that showed a thick layer of dust on the table behind the penny rug that I was selling. Dust is part of primitive decorating ... well, at least it should be!
But yes, blogland is very distracting which is the reason why I've stayed away from the reading list the last few weeks. Staying away doesn't help though because now it's catch up time, which takes even longer!

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