Surely, it's Friday!

It really can't be only Wednesday, and AM at that. There has been enough jammed into my three days that I think I could call it a week. Most of it lots of fun though.
I would try to put this in chronological order, but I can't even remember it that way. Yesterday, Molly and Kim came for lunch, something I rarely get to do, have lunch with the girls. I felt so bad when it was cut short by the arrival of my neighbor's family with lots of questions.

Kim brought me all this fabric and goodies and this morning I woke up at 4 and all I could think was that I wanted to go through it all! That and because we have our Thanksgiving tonight, I needed it moved out of the family room also. Thank-you, Thank-you, THANK-YOU Kim!!!! It was so fun to go through and divide up between my Mom, Shawnee and I. I can see so many projects in it already! Now to get it all to my sewing room.

Wool pieces and blankets and even a quilt top! Stacks of homespun and just in time, our stash was depleted after the Open House.
And tons of ideas in this stack.

I love the colors in this sweater. I think I see some stockings or ornaments there.

And I just bought this vine on Sunday and it matches this wool perfect! This is a huge piece and I can't make up my mind what to do with it. I hate to cut into big pieces like this until I am sure.

Pic of Little Miss Kendall from Monday. She is just reclining away watching everyone at work on Monday. I just thought that she looked so much like her Mom in this picture.

Finished this towel the other day...I think Sunday, not sure, my days are all running together.

And this hat for Gracelyn. Her coat is such a pretty turquoise color and when I saw this yarn, I thought it would look so nice with her coat.

Finished this Monday AM for an order. These message boards have sure been the hot item this year for me. I think this is number 8 or 9 that I have done.

And the cake. It didn't turn out too bad. The problem was the cake pans, at least that is what I am blaming it on. They had a separate bottom and the praline topping that was on the bottom of the pan all leaked out. John bought regular cake pans for me last night when he was in town. I used to have lots of them, where did they go? I am going to try to make another cake for Friday when I am going to my second Thanksgiving.

And the issue of the camera cord was solved. Molly brought her cord with her, she has the same camera as I do. Her cord worked when I finally had a chance to try it late last night. I am almost embarrassed to say what the problem was. But here goes, it was a really blond moment and I am not even blond. John got this new Blackberry and the cord was laying with my camera cord behind the laptop. I grabbed the end of that cord and plugged it into the computer instead of the camera cord. How stupid was that?
And now for noodle making. Jenn wanted to go to town last night to get groceries and all I had to do was make noodles so I offered to keep the boys for her. I figured John would be here to help. WRONG! When he saw the start of the noodle making and the boys helping, he decided to go grocery shopping with Jenn and Di. As a matter of fact, you never saw three people clear out faster than those three did. Not before snapping some pics for evidence. The boys loved to stir and crack eggs. We used a few extra in that process. Logan kept tapping and twisting until he got frustrated and smashed and egg went everywhere. Tyler is actually pretty good at breaking eggs. Very gentle for his normal trash 'em, crash 'em demeanor.

And rolling out the dough. Needless to say, there is flour everywhere in my house, clear to the upstairs bathroom where we finally got it washed off of little boys. I think that the bath water was turning to paste.

And honestly, these are the messiest noodles I have ever made, but the boys are excited to eat "their" noodles tonight for Thanksgiving.

And in the downstairs shower, the turkeys are brining. I am not really sure about this process, this is John's experiment for this year. Talk about a no stress Thanksgiving though. The kids have divided up all the trimmings and are bringing everything except the turkey and noodles. How easy is this? I am so looking forward to a nice evening with all of my family AND a day off tomorrow, AND a quiet weekend at home. Hubby is headed to deer camp and I am hoping to spend the weekend around the house working on all the projects that I have started and maybe starting a few new ones....

I hope that all of you have a great Holiday and remember to give thanks for all of our many blessings.


Carol K said…
First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! How lucky are YOU to get all that fabric.....and Kendall looks adorable(her hat came out really nice). Logan and Tyler will always remember the noodle making.....I love doing things like that with the grandkids. Also, brining the turkeys makes such a difference, I am getting mine into the brine today. Enjoy your weekend with all your crafting!
Balisha said…
Happy Thanksgiving, busy lady!
Lois said…
You really are such a busy lady just like Balisha said. Gosh, do you ever sleep? As always, your projects look so nice. You are so talented!
I hope your Thanksgiving and the brined turkey turned out well.

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