And appearing in the same spot...

...from the last post, is the scarf finished! You see, yesterday, my dear husband thought, should be a day of rest AFTER the girls and I decided not to go to Ohio to see my parents because of road conditions. He gave me this whole speech about how he thought I was somewhat of a social outcast, blah, blah blah as I was trying to look through him to watch this tv program I had been waiting to see. In my defense, I don't mind going places and being social most of the time, however my internal clock does not allow me to be on top of things from 10 at night until 4 in the morning.
Breakfast outing? I am so there!
Lunch? Great!
Early supper? Perfect!
Late evening dinner? Yawner.
New Year's Eve? Comatose.
Normally that causes me to cringe when it is time to think about what to do on New Year's Eve. I am perfectly happy to sleep the New Year in. He, on the other hand thought that I should do my best to stay up until....ONE! His thoughts? Rest all day, nap and you can do this. So I sat,
and sat
and sat,
and knitted, and sat some more,
and napped, and knitted,
and sat, and watched tv,
and knitted, and
sat, and

and sat and watched a Las Vegas marathon,
and knitted some more,
and you know what? It worked. We left our friends' house at 1:3o this morning and we had a great time. Attended two parties actually and I did not yawn or stretch or scratch once!
And finished three scarves in the process!
Not sure what to do with today though, because of course my internal clock had me wide awake at 5:00 this morning!
Happy New Year to everyone out there. I really appreciate those of you that read what I have to say and those of you that take the time to comment on it! Thanks so much!


Patti said…
The scarf turned out great and I have the kool-aide to give it a try soon. We haven't been up till midnight on New Years for many "very many" years since my body clock would wake me up at 5:00 no matter what time I go to bed and then I tired all the next day. Have a wonderful New Years Cathy and I hope to see you in the Spring.
Unknown said…
Your time clock is like mine...even tho I stayed up for the New Year I was up at 5am...tried to stay in bad and tossed and turned and finally said I'm getting up to a messy kitchen full of dishes, (from bringing in the New Year) I wished I had stayed in bed..but my body won't let me...Have a wonderful day and I hope you have a healthy and wonderful year to come with many blessings..Lisa
Loved your post, it gave me a giggle or two as I nodded my head in agreement. I did manage to stay up a little past the Happy New Year smooch, smooch hour but when my head hit the pillow I was "gone in 60 seconds".

Love your scarfs!

Happy New Year
Balisha said…
Yawn... I stayed up too.
Suzanne said…
You used your time wisely. Myself -- I couldn't do it. I'm up to midnight every night except New Years Eve -- for some reason I can't do it on that one night a year! Wish I'd thought of knitting! ;o)
Suzanne said…
Oh... Wishing you a --- Happy New Year!
I love the scarves you sure got alot of knitting done:)
Also glad you got out to be more social.LOL

Lois said…
Happy New Year Cathy!
I did manage to see the New Year in and was in bed by 3AM.When I did get up at 7 I convinced myself to lie on the couch for a few hours before I went out to shovel the driveway and sidewalk and then came in and did dishes and the vacumming. It's nice to know the new year is not changing all that much so far. hee...hee....
This past week has been all late nighters and I know that I am going to pay for it next week or two.
Oh well, what's a girl to do?
I'm glad you got some knitting done. The scarves look great!
I wish you a healthy and happy 2010Cathy.(and family of course)
As always, thanks for sharing!
BurttBunch said…
Your scarves are beautiful! What a good way to pass the time. I wish I could knit!

Happy New Year! Maybe this year we can meet in person...FINALLY! LOL
Jenny said…
Love your projects! You. are. very. talented. And Happy New Year!
Carol K said…
I agree with you. I cannot function socially late at night. We went out for New Year's and I sort of zoned around 11 or so(even with only one glass of wine!). Thank goodness Ed did not need me to keep him awake on the drive home(we were in Mt. Lebanon). Still up early the next day, I did some spinning and knitting, too. Your scarves look great....did the alpaca stay soft? See you at knitting night!

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