It started like this.
I was upstairs in my sewing room happily still making messes on my SECOND Saturday in a row with NOTHING planned. Well, I did have that short little jaunt to the church to change the flowers to something a little more "springy" and that quick stop for milk and those cheddar sour cream chips that jumped off the shelf at me. (It has been so long since I had those and they are my favorite) But, back to where it started. John comes to the landing, sans shirt and does that half whistle thing that scares the crap out of me just as the sewing machine comes to a halt. "Do you have a minute to come down here?" he questions. Of course I immediately mentally scanned the house, Did I leave the coffee pot on? the front door open? ice cream melting on the counter, water running in the sink? Nothing. I walk downstairs to see him sitting at the computer with the bank statement in front of him and a guilty look on his face. YESSS! It is not my fault!!! He picked up the wrong debit card and overdrew the bank account, seriously overdrew the account. He said he checked the numbers, but why doesn't he have a shirt on?
Sore nipples. He is training for a half marathon. He ran nine miles today.
He is whining,
His nipples hurt.
Am I, a woman who went through 36 hours of labor, only to have a C-section and then have a baby attached to sore nipples for the next three months, supposed to have SYMPATHY?
But then, the really dumb move of the day.
He goes to his Mom's. gets her pills, gets her supper, sets all of her clocks for her, BACK! Luckily, she noticed it before she thought she was the confused one.
I am still organizing fabric. Two inch strips, 2 1/2 inch strips, 4, 5, and 6 inch blocks and small strips for locker hooking. This container was overflowing with a mess of fabric,
and I finally threw it all on the floor. Press, stack, cut, restack. Surely this pile should be going down soon.
Sore nipples. He is training for a half marathon. He ran nine miles today.
He is whining,
His nipples hurt.
Am I, a woman who went through 36 hours of labor, only to have a C-section and then have a baby attached to sore nipples for the next three months, supposed to have SYMPATHY?
But then, the really dumb move of the day.
He goes to his Mom's. gets her pills, gets her supper, sets all of her clocks for her, BACK! Luckily, she noticed it before she thought she was the confused one.
I am still organizing fabric. Two inch strips, 2 1/2 inch strips, 4, 5, and 6 inch blocks and small strips for locker hooking. This container was overflowing with a mess of fabric,

Don't forget to spring ahead!!
Take care ~Natalie
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!
Anyway, thanks for sharing and have a great week.