Honest Doc, it went like this...

You see, it was raining, and I am not talking a mild summer rain, I am talking monsoon rains.  You know, the sound like a freight train and you are looking around for the funnel cloud rain.  The rain that manages to come down our chimney, wetting the carpet in the living room and dripping through to the basement and splatter all over the varnished items on the top of the freezer rain.  Get the picture?  So I call dear hubby down to look at the splattered items sitting on top of the freezer otherwise doubling as a varnishing counter and show him the water issue.  Apparently, all the other times that this has happened I have just TOLD him about the issue and he has not heard me TELL him about it.   In defense of the poor guy, he does not venture into my area very often for fear of his life, however this time he SAW the problem and starts to insist that the problem is with the window behind the freezer.  I tell him repeatedly that it is the chimney and in true male form the look I read on his face is "What do you know, you're just a woman!"  Mind you, that was his look, not his words, one thing about it at 50+ they know when to hold their tongue MOST of the time.  And this is the turning point of the story...

Dear Hubby says. "So Miss Exercise Woman, just jump up on that freezer and check that window"  As I turn to find a chair, a stool, a coffee can he proceeds to push my butt (literally) right up onto the freezer.  As my left thigh goes past the 1950's chrome handle on the freezer it make one heck of a red lump on the front of my leg and as my right ankle...the one that I have been having trouble with, TWISTS...I let out a combination yell, scream, moan sound that sounded strange even to my ears.  The pain was unbelievable!  At that point dear hubby tries to lift me off the freezer and I grab his ear and twist it screaming, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE!"  Not one of the happier marriage moments that I have had.  Amazingly enough, whatever twisted in my ankle actually seemed to help it. 

All would have been fine UNTIL...after everything had calmed down, he says to me, "So, how much are you scaling in at these days, you are heavier than I thought!"  And that doc is where HIS injuries came from!


pammyjo said…
I know I shouldn't be, but laughing my butt off. OUCH!!! However ... yet again, I say you need to write a book or be a standup comic. LOL Your americana painted items are just fabulicious! BEAUTIFUL! :)
Ann said…
Cathy, They do learn to hold their tongues after years of marriage don't they? At least sometimes.... I have to ask - did he finally believe you that it was the chimney not the window?

Love the painted items - the checkerboard is great. ~Ann
Tins and Treasures said…
Good Morning,
Oh...this is just the funniest story. But, I'm guessing it wasn't so funny in the moment. And your ankle...are you on crutches?

I hope your projects are OK, too.
Have a Worry-free Wednesday. ~Natalie
My Colonial Home said…
Well not too funny with you getting hurt but hopefully what was pulled in one direction before in your ankle got turned back to normal during this man handling...lol

Oh what a funn (to us it was) story...but at the time I can see the heat rising in your home! lol

I'm sorry you have had these problems with the rain pouring in - sometimes the elements just don't understand how much we go through with our work! Hope you can salvage them.

P.S. thanks for the giggles.

Hugs, karen
Laurie said…
LOL, no really I'm trying not to, this sounds like my house! I would have had to do bodily harm to my husband if he said that to me! Well, I have, come to think of it. Anyway, your pieces are amazing!
Chanda said…
My painter in the whole world. I am continually amazed at your work. I know this isn't funny, but still I am laughing. Hope you all better soon and it would be so awesome to live right a at the fair grounds. I would be there every wekend.
Hang in there,
maureen said…
Hi!!!!!Now that I have stopped laughing, I must tell you that I love your work. You have an amazing talent with a paint brush. I hope you and your husbands injuries heal soon!!!!LOL....Thanks for sharing....Maureen
Anonymous said…
Wow, what a story Cathy!! I just want to say that I loooove your painting! Especially the checkerboard! Thanks for visiting my blog!!
So did he listen yet and is the chimney fixed? Glad your ankle is better ;-)

I love all the painted items but I'm particularly fond of your snowmen, Cathy.
Robbie said…
OK, this is a funny post for sure..and I can identify with the 'scale' reference. The 1st year we came to stay 3 months in Ocala, Fl. my hubby asked me "so exactly how much weight have you gained these three months?" KaPow!!! Slam!! Needless to say it was a very quiet ride home! Hope you aren't hurt or should I say hope hubby isn't hurt (too much! A little is good for them.).

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