Another exhausting week!

Work on this, picnic tables finished, (sorry, forgot the camera for those) work around our house.
Some of this.
Surgery for Shelby,
Lots of work preparing for the fair,
A little bit of Saturday donation work.
OK, the NO PARKING needs taken off and changed.  We are going to let them to that part.  This was our Saturday project.
Very little of this

and this...
And now for next week,
The trim on the garage needs sanded and painted.  I knew that I would not even start it until I had the paint sitting right here.  Hopefully the rain cooperates this week so that I can get it sanded and painted.

Funny story of the week:
How I Flushed Dora.

Thursday found me with Kendall and Gracelyn.  Shelby was still healing from wisdom teeth removal and Shawnee was off to the Buffet concert. 
I finally got both girls down for a nap and decided to put a coat of crackle paint on the bench that I was working on, set the timer for 20 minutes to add the paint and then scrambled to straighten the house and clean up the lunch mess when I heard Gracelyn yell something through the monitor and Kendall cry.  They were both up and Gracelyn is apologizing because she "peed your bed, Mamaw"  I tell her that is OK and we go downstairs.  Kendall is hanging on me, not really wanting to be awake when I try to change Gracelyn and realize that it was way more than pee.   I clean her up and throw her pants and Dora underwear in the commode to rinse them when I hear her say, "I am going to pee in the potty, Mamaw" and I realize that the potty is tore apart which means she is going to pee on the carpet.  I grab her and not thinking, flush the toilet at which point I hear this sucking noise and I grab her little khaki Capri pants right before they go down the toilet and right after Dora goes swirling away.  Let's just say that the commode is not running near as fast as it should and Gracelyn was horrified that I flushed Dora!
Mind you, the bench is still sitting, crackle medium dried up!


Kathy said…
Thanks.. I laughed so hard.. poor Dora.. hope your week hasn't been so exciting this week..xo
Lois said…
Hey Cathy!
Oh My have to admit that reading it, after the fact, is funny. It makes my week, which I thought was ghastly, look really good.
Thanks for cheering me up Cathy.
I needed that.
Lois L.

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