Late for the party!

Well I never have signed up for a blog party before and now I know why.  I am late and life just gets in the way sometimes.  It was supposed to be where country people create and I thought, "Well, I have to clean anyway for the  50 or so people that are showing up at my house that week so why not join the party and show a CLEAN area"  Riiighhht!  I neglected to realize how much I had been neglecting my house.   So I didn't make it to the party in time and now my painting room is cluttering up again.  Anyway, this is where I paint.  It is sort of a loft outside our bedroom.  I love the space, small but nicely tucked in. 

And this is the view from the other end  of the space.

And this is where I sew, it is a reclaimed bedroom.  I see those rooms full of cupboards and shelves and counters and I'll be honest, I covet them.  Someday.
And some of the things that I have been painting.  Panic mode has set in.  The Open House is less than two months away.  I have to get working.

You can't see it, but I have gone a little Diamond Dust crazy.  Love that stuff! 
Tomorrow, recap of the fair, my soon to be clogged sink, the elderberry pie/gutter clean out story, Kendall's first carnival ride, how many times did I climb through the window in the shop because I was locked out, and the car that smells like onions and french fries.
Bet you can't wait!


Balisha said…
I can't wait...Balisha :)
I think i first have to ask WHAT BLOG PARTY...I checked around and didn't see anything mentioned...I'm way out here! lol

Fantastic crafting areas and soooo neat.

Anonymous said…
Clutter has a way of getting the best of us at times. But when things get put in their place and cleaned up it tends to relieves stress and makes us feel so good about our monumental temporary accomplishment. :-)

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