I'm calling TLC

Really, can the days get any more bizarre.  I have threatened to call them many days.  I have watched the reality shows.  Truthfully...we are living one.  Self employed, small town characters, crazy family life, cute babies, near disasters, remodeling, throw in a little bit of art that I do and even some heated moments that would rival the best of them....we have it all.. 

Yesterday would have supplied wonderful trailers, those little teasers that you see fifteen times that make you want to watch and see what happens.  Tune in at 9 and see why Jennifer is rolling across the bank lawn in town.  Camera pans to Jennifer rolling out of the bank.  Sound funny?  Well it wasn't at the time. 

Because we (I) miscounted an order and had to reorder shirts quickly and because John had to drive his mom to dialysis and because I had Kendall for the day and she doesn't always want to stay with someone else, I sent Jennifer to meet the UPS man for earlier delivery in the next town.  By the way, the UPS man would make a good character in the show.  One of those characters that only shows up here and there and usually late whistling the theme song from Mayberry RFD, but I just went off the story. 

Jennifer goes to meet the UPS and there is a Money Order COD so she stops at the bank on her way back to get the cash for it with the next stop being the post office.  She enters the bank, gets the cash, is talking to the teller when the masked woman enters the bank and pulls a gun.  Really.  We live in a small town, oblivious to crime for the most part and at first she thought it was a Halloween prank until she sees the gun.  She runs, diving or  tripping out the door as the woman yells for her to stop and points the gun at her head.   She gets in her vehicle, drives to the shop, we call  911 and there just happens to be a state police in town, a rare occurrence and they manage to get the woman. 
The day continues to spin out of control from there.  Phone calls, statements to the police, more phone calls, Logan does not understand why he has not been allowed to go to the bank for his green lollipop that is a daily occurrence.  You see, had the chain of events not happened the day before, that is the time that I would have been in the bank with Logan and Kendall. 
Spin, spin, spin....
The reality really did not set in with what happened until about 2:00 am this morning and I have pretty much been awake since then. 

Would the TLC cameras want to see that? 
Kate and her eight and the Tuetal's have nothing on us. 

On to other news:
We will be expecting grandchild #6 in May.  Shawnee is expecting her second, we are still awaiting Baby Wyatt.  He should make his arrival at any time now. 
Wait, maybe we could do Baby Story? 

The house next door is still progressing. 
Renovation Realities

I am still crafting.
Knitty Gritty, Uncommon Threads, and any other painting or sewing show out there.

But what I am really wishing for is....
Cash in the Attic!

Have to show you this package that came to me about a week ago.

Cath at Cath's Pennies Designs sent this bundle of wool to me.  I was so excited!  I am still thinking of what to make with it.  If you haven't seen her patterns, go look at them.  I bought the sugar cookie one and showed it to a friend that has a quilt shop and she bought patterns from Cathy for her shop.  This was a thank-you, not necessary, but greatly appreciated!

Here's to hoping that today is much calmer!  Or if not could TLC at least show up, film it and pay us something!


Balisha said…
if you did a reality show...I'd be the first one to tune in. You have such a busy life...I can get exhausted just thinking about it. I hope things go better today...and you can just "chill" Have a nice weekend...Balisha
Anonymous said…
Wow, what drama!! love the wool bundle. Do you know how I would clean "old" wool jackets/sweaters? Thanks, patti ;)
Poor Jennifer. She must have been terrified. She was mighty brave to run. I have to wonder what I would do if I were in that situation. I think I would have frozen in place, too frightened to move.
Unfortunately, it is reality that we can't feel safe even in our small towns.
I hope Jennifer is ok.

You're so very welcome for the wool. You went out of your way to help me and I so much appreciate it!

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