Neighbor helping neighbor.

This little shed was built by the mission team at a local church.  It is on our neighbor's property.  She is an older woman that only had a barn that was falling down and had nowhere to store anything for the yard or garden.  It was so nice to see neighbors helping neighbors and what a testimony to the community.

 And then tonight....
The local fire company showed up to burn the old barn.

And John worked right through the confusion.  He said it kept him warm and acted as a light to work by!

The little house next door is about 1/2 sided.  Work is progressing.

I have been working on getting ready for my Open House this weekend.  It is keeping me very busy! 


Laurie said…
It reminds me of an old fashioned barn raising. What a great project for her, it's what life's all about isn't it?
Lois said…
Hi Cathy.
What a great post. It's so nice, in this age of "don't get involved" to hear of people getting involved. What a blessing for you to know people like that and to be a neighbour/friend/know by sight person and live near/by them.I hope your sale went well although with you being such a talented hard worker I am sure it did. Have a great week Cathy.

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