Open house 2010

This was the night before.  There was actually no other place to sit in the chaos of set-up.  They had been working on the house next door and mistakenly thought that there was room for them here.

Unfortunately, we forgot to take pictures on Friday right before customers started coming, so all these pics are from Saturday AM and we had sold quite a bit by then.

I am not sure that Jenn understands my camera any better than I do.  Some of these pics are pretty fuzzy!

And another year is done!
Now on to the clean-up.  This morning I tackle the sewing room.  I am going armed with a garbage bag and the vacuum for starters.  I am thinking a scoop shovel would work better!


Balisha said…
I hope your open house was successful. It must have been so much work. Loved the first picture.Rest now! Balisha
Leave a Legacy said…
Oh Cathy, How I wish I could have been there. Next year!
Anonymous said…
Looks great!! Did you sell the stacked snowmen heads on what looks like a painted cupboard door? I looove it. If not, what would be the price and I'd love to see a closeup.....I can't imagine you did not sell it....patti ;)

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