A trip to Pittsburgh

And the laugh of the day.  Yesterday, Jenn and I went to the Strip District in Pittsburgh to buy the paper products for Dianna's baby shower which is today.  Procrastination and last minute issues aside (I didn't finish the one gift until last night)  We took the boys for their first trip to the Strip.  They loved it.  Everything is different when seen through the eyes of kids.  These two had to have their picture taken with the bear outside of Wholey's Fish Market.  The train inside was one of their favorite things.  They were not sure about the live lobster tank though.  But the laugh of the day for me was when Tyler ran up to a big picture of President Obama and pointed to it.  I thought to myself, Wow, one month of kindergarten and I am going to get some wisdom about the Commander in Chief, the Leader of the Free World, a government lesson from a five year old....I say, "Tyler, do you know who that is?"

Tyler's answer....
"Tiger Woods!"


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