Update, Thanks and Prayers

What a little fighter this little boy is going to be! 
Monday night at about 10:00, Wyatt started to have some problems.  He was being treated for pneumonia and his blood sugar levels were dropping dangerously low.  Hooked up to tubes and on oxygen, he was still being treated for by the caring staff at Indiana Regional Hospital. 
We could not ask for better care! 
Dianna also was having problems due to the spinal.  She was having severe headaches that they were trying to relieve for her. 
Tuesday night at about 10:00, the decision was made to give Wyatt his first helicopter ride and transfer him to the NICU unit at West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh. 
The top notch staff arrived to take him, professionalism at it's finest.
At 3:00 AM, he was in the sky, flying over Travis and I as we gassed and coffeed up at Sheetz to make the trip and meet him there.  
I know in his little mind he was waving and laughing at us, I can picture him doing the same from the Kiddie land rides someday, telling Mom to get better soon so she could come and visit him.
Travis and I stood watch as the staff at West Penn attended to Wyatt's every need. 
By mid morning we were getting very optimistic reports, both from Wyatt's condition and from Dianna's.   By mid afternoon, Dianna was released from Indiana Hospital and John was able to bring her to Pittsburgh to reunite Mom and baby.   The best news was when she was able to pump breast milk and he took an entire bottle of it.  His first..and one of the milestones to recovery that they were looking for.
Wyatt is not out of the woods completely yet, but optimism in running high with the staff at the hospital and of course, family and friends.

And now in this season of Thanksgiving, I would like to state a few of my reasons to be thankful.

First of all, for all the prayers that have been and will be offered up for Wyatt and our family.

That everything looks great for Wyatt and we expect a full recovery and that all tests are coming back that there will be no lasting side effects. 

For healing for Dianna so that she could be back with her baby.

For a family that cares enough to be there at that hospital every moment that Wyatt is there and for THREE sets of grandparents to surround Wyatt with love and care.

For my daughters, all four of them and their spouses, that could be the textbook for blended families and the care and love that all of them have for one another.

For the capable and caring staffs of both Indiana Regional Hospital and West Penn Hospital.
We could not ask for more.

For the many friends and many generous offers to help! 
Thanks to Ben and Liza for offering their home!

For the availability of Ronald McDonald house.  Absolutely AMAZING!  Words cannot describe that facility and the relief that it was to see what they do and how much it will help Dianna and Travis to have that available for them.

One last note.  I was really impressed by this.  The Linus Project provides blankets.  These blankets at this hospital cover the incubators and keep the lights out of the babies' eyes.  They also provided a bright and cheery diversion in what could be a very troubling environment.   What a great cause.  Click on the link for more information.


pammyjo said…
OMGosh ... praying praying praying. Your report took me back to our first couple days with Noah. God is good and he loves Wyatt and your family, so stand on his word. :) Hug
Good Morning, Cathy,
I have just read about your precious family here and will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad you are all together there...give your daughter a hug from us too, and of course that handsome little baby.

Keep us posted. Take care ~Natalie
Leave a Legacy said…
Hi Cathy,
I so hope everything continues in this positive direction for your family and little Wyatt. I'm also a believer that all the loving family surrounding him makes a difference.
Carol K said…
Sounds like Wyatt and Dianna are both on the recovery road. I have been thinking about you all since I heard from Shawnee yesterday morning.....so thankful that you have good news to share. Let me know if you need anything. Carol
Lesley said…
My thoughts and prayers are with you all Cathy. Keep us updated.
Les xo
Lesley said…
My thoughts and prayers are with you all Cathy. Keep us updated.
Les xo
Glad everything is going in the right direction. Keeping everyone in my prayers.

Lois L.
Hi Cathy,
I'll say prayers for that sweet little fellow.
Also, Congratulations!

Balisha said…
Hi Cathy...You can count on my prayers till both are well again. The hardest thing for a family to watch...a baby in distress. I'm going to check out the Linus project. Take care and know that we are all pulling for him.

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