Snowman Board Tutorial - Free Painting Directions

Decoart Americana paints
Milk Chocolate
Hauser Green Medium
Antique Gold
Antique Maroon
Bleached Sand
Heritage Brick
Tangelo Orange
Country Red
Assorted brushes.
Star Stencil
Start by painting the center area of the board with Cocoa and shade with Milk Chocolate.
The outside edges are painted with Hauser Green Medium and shaded with Black.
Stencil stars in the corners with Antique Gold.
(I like to stencil using cosmetic sponge wedges)

Add some checkers with Antique Maroon using a 1/4" brush. The trick to these is thinning your paint, but not using a lot of paint on your brush. Too much paint will cause them to look rounded.

Sketch in your snowman face and hat and letters with chalk.
Then base in the face using Milk Chocolate in the darkest areas, Cocoa for the medium and a brush mix of Butter and Bleached Sand for the lightest areas.
Blend and dry brush with the Bleached Sand.

Repaint the start with Antique Gold and shade with Milk Chocolate.
Highlight with Butter and dry brush with Bleached Sand.

Lay in the dark areas of the hat with Evergreen.
Add a little Black in the darkest areas.
Hauser Green Medium for the light areas.

While this is still wet, use a worn out brush to pat blend the colors to make the hat look fuzzy.

The scarf, ball on the hat and brim of the hat are painted in the same manner as the body of the hat using Antique Maroon with Heritage Brick and Country Red for the lightest red.
Base the nose with a mix of Heritage Brick and Tangelo Orange.

Paint the letters with Evergreen and highlight with Hauser Green Medium.
Line the left and bottom of the letters and stars with Black.
Shade the bottom of the nose with Antique Maroon and highlight the top with a dry brush of Tangelo Orange.
Add stripes on the hat brim and scarf with Evergreen and Country Red.
Highlight the red stripes with Tangelo Orange.

Paint in the eyes and coal for mouth with Black and highlight with Bleached Sand.

Add highlight dots with Bleached Sand.

Shade under the bottom and left of the eyes, nose and mouth with Milk Chocolate.

Dry brush here and there with Bleached Sand.
With a liner brush and thinned Black paint, add vines around the edges between the background colors.
Speckle with Bleached Sand.

This is my own design.
You are free to paint this and sell it, however I would ask that you not copy the directions to your blog or reproduce them for sale.
Feel free to place a link to this on your blog though...
If you paint this, I would love to see it!


Anonymous said…
Gorgeous, Stunning, Beautiful, Whimsical, Lovely, Spectacular are words to describe this sweet snowman and your wonderful talent!!! Thank you for the tut!! I will certainly post on my blog for all to see and to visit you!! I Love him big is this piece? Is he for sale?
patti :)
Laurie said…
My gosh Cathy, you make this look so easy!! This is so awesome!
Good Morning, Cathy,
You are amazing. I wish we were neighbors and we could be creating side-by-side. But then, I still don't think mine could ever look anything like this!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday. ~Natalie
Tymes Past said…

Even after taking a couple of your classes years ago, and seeing this wonderful step-by-step tutorial, I still don't think mine would look anything like yours does.

How cute it is--and I continue to be envious of your talent!

Great tutorial!! thanks.

Bev said…
Love the snowman board, very well done and appreciate the free pattern tutorial. I am also in Western Pennsylvania. Perhaps with all the snow now I will get a chance to paint this little fella. thanks again.
Deb said…
Wow, what a fabulous design and you are incredibly generous to share it so freely! Thank you so much, I've been putting away the Christmas decorations and the house always looks so bare, this guy will be a welcome winter addition to our home! I'm going to add a link to your tutorial at my blog (, thanks again for your wonderful design! Deb
Wowzers, that's such a beautiful snowman. Thanks so much for sharing it, and your tutorial is very easy to understand. It looks so impossible for a novice like me to do, but how you lay it out step by step makes it look easy.

I'm just now getting into painting and am loving it. I think this project will put me over the edge and make me a full fledged painting addict!

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