Announcing the arrival,

Garren Shane Kirkpatrick
6:02 AM
6 pounds, 14 ounces
And his first picture...

I actually got to be present at the birth.
What an experience!
And Gracelyn's first look at her new baby brother.

And finally last night when she got to get her hands on him.

She was so excited.  She did not want to put him down!

this was the night before when she
Partied Like a Rock Star.

Time of photo
3:45 AM
I think.

In a pensive moment around five in the morning.
Still Waiting.

And last evening, cuddled with Mommy and Baby

Yesterday afternoon spent with her cousins.

And Aunt Shelby took them all to my house so that I could get a little work done.
How does she get them to do this? 
I think she Photoshopped this picture.
They are never that calm for me!

She even vacuumed my house and made cupcakes.
Must be nice to be young!

Grandchild #6,
Tyler, 5
Logan, 4
Gracelyn, 3
Kendall, 2
Wyatt, 6 months

My cup runneth over!


Angela said…
Congrats, to you and to your family. Baby Garren is precious. Would love to cuddle him and smell the smell of newborn babies,,, truly a miracle. I am so proud for you that you were there. It's a wonderful experience. Gracelyn is so cute and will be a great big sister, as well as all the grandchildren. Off in a while to have lunch with Holly and Darbee Rae. A great day in store. Hope you are having a good one too.
michelle said…
Big congrats Grandma!Your cup certainly does runneth over with many beautiful blessings!Enjoy sweetie!
big hugs michelle
Carol K said…
Wonderful news....!!! Congrats!
Congratulations on the birth of your precious grandchild! Thank you for sharing your beautiful family!! You are richly blessed.♥ Congrats to the new family too!!
Sheila said…
Congratulations Grandma!
TheCrankyCrow said…
Congratulations on your newest blessing! He's precious! And, gee, you thought you were tired before!! ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Congrats!!! Wonderful pictures!!!
thanks for sharing the joy!!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful family!! Congrats again Gramma! You certainly have stair step grandbabies....
Ann said…
A new baby! Congratulations. You will never lack new adventures will you with the grandkids being only 1 year apart? ~Ann
Denise said…
Congrats Grandma! Wow - sounds like you have your hands full if all the grandkids come to visit at once!

He's gorgeous and Mom looked like she was doing well. Gracelyn looked like the proud big sister.
Congrats, Cathy.
You thought you were hoping'll be bouncing off the walls now. Better take extra vitamins!!!!
Lesley said…
Cathy you are all Blessed with healthy and happy and well loved children/grandchildren.
Enjoy, spoil, love and embrace every moment.
Lesley :)
Kathy said…
Congrats Cathy.. he is gorgeous.. beautiful pics.. lucky you..
Tymes Past said…
Congrats on new grandson...What a precious bundle!

Can't wait to get one of my own!
Congratulations to you and to your entire family. You are lucky to have everyone so close by.

Take care ~Natalie

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