One fish, Two Fish, Red Fish......

...and fifty yellow fish and forty-five pink fish and twenty-seven teal fish.
Our house is looking like an aquarium.
Somewhere along the line, I thought it would be cool to have a school of fish
on the wall,
from the back of the church to the front,
for VBS.
I have been cutting for days.

We don't eat at the dining room table very often anyway.
And rarely in the summer.
we are fishing.

In between,
more working
yard work
planting flowers
more working
birthday parties
new baby
more mowing
etc, etc, etc.

Did you notice that there is not a lot of sleep or recliner time on that list?


acorn hollow said…
well it looks like you are one busy person. the fish are cute and a fun idea.
Unknown said…
Your fish are so bright and cheery. What a grand idea for VBS. Our theme this year is New York or the Big Apple. Enjoy your blog. Please visit me some time at:
jennifer768 said…
Now that is a great idea ! Love how bright and cheerful they make you feel . I am sure that is been keeping you busy. Have a great time at VBS ! Hugs,Jen
Laurie said…
What a cute idea! I do hope you get some recliner time though, maybe I'll lend you some of mine! By the way, this is my favorite Dr. Seuss book!
Always a delight to visit you!
Hugs, Karen

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