Wagon Train

This is what went through our backyard today.
The Appalachian Wagon Train
You can read more about it here

I actually almost missed it. 
I knew that it was going through today and just happened to run downstairs and heard it.

Interesting to see.

I really enjoyed this traffic issue.
The Amish buggy waiting on the wagon train to pass.

It actually pulled off to wait.

And when the wagon train passed, the buggy fell in behind.

This is the view from my backyard the other way.
There is a horse show in the fairgrounds this weekend.

It's like living next to a campground. 

Wyatt is asleep, such a good little baby. 
He never did anything this evening, except smile and eat and sleep.
He never cries!

I did get painting done and hit a really good yard sale....pics tomorrow.
Right now I am hitting my bed.
I know that baby is good, but I am tired anyway!


jennifer768 said…
Now that would be fun to watch.Such pretty horses and wagons.Have a good night ,Jen
TheCrankyCrow said…
Now, exactly, how COOL is THAT???!!! Wow!! I would love to see something like that - and in my own backyard no less! (Now, Girlfriend - you know you must have one of the most happening yards around - first a flock of flamingos, and now a wagon train???) The most interesting thing to come across our lawn lately was...ummmm....a herd of turkeys??? Enjoy your Sunday (and sleep!) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Unknown said…
That is really cool!!!
Lil Raggedy Angie said…
How very cool wagon train and the Amish all at once , what an exciting yard you do have! Enjoy your day, sounds like your sleepover went well! hugs lil raggedy angie
Kathy said…
Very cool to see a wagon train.. that is awesome.. the fairgrounds look great... Hope you had a good sleep...and have a loverly sunday..
That must of been so awesome to see! Right in your own back yard. Love the pictures...Thanks for sharing!
Connie said…
That is so cool! Would love to have seen that!
Have a great Sunday!
LibbiesHome said…
This post made me smile when I really needed to - especially the part about the Amish traffic jam. :) Thanks!
Debra said…
What wonderful photos- wish I could have been there too!
Anonymous said…
What a cool wagon train convoy!! Don't see that everyday....did you get my package yet? hope you like it!

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