The Beach,Buzz, Woody, A Unicorn, An Apple Peeler and More

Of course, to start all this nonsense,
I did get something painted.
I am not even sure where this came from,
I think that it is going to Shawnee,
she just redid her entry and I thought it would look nice hanging in there.

On Thursday afternoon,
I got Gracelyn for an overnight.
The boys, of course wanted to play with her for awhile.
Gracelyn wanted to play beach.
Inspired by items she found in my car.
Does this give you any idea what my car would look like?
It could have it's own episode of Hoarders!
The boys obliged,
Although Logan was not obliging for a photo moment,
these two hammed it up!

Then Friday morning...
Tyler gets on the bus at our house.
Their house does not have a safe stopping place for the bus.
Gracelyn decides to ride to work with Aunt Jenn and Logan.
Thus begins a good playing day for Gracelyn and Logan,
and INSEPARABLE day for those two.
I hit a yard sale and found these items.
Not that I need two more rotary cutters,
but for that price,
someone might?
Another hoarder issue!

The kids played
Empty Vinyl Tubes Bowling

And the unicorn was another yard sale find.
They rode stick horse
 (and unicorn as Gracelyn kept telling everyone )
"It is not a horse, it has a HORN!"
All while we are trying to do this.

Lots of shirts to print.

They picked wildflowers.
One at a time,
running and giggling.
It was a little chaotic,
but we were persevering.
JWS made some comment to the effect of,
"Really, you couldn't stand it just having one child here,
one day alone for Logan and you have to get another one here?"
And then, if all the confusion wasn't bad enough...

Nana showed up with her new apple peeler and proceeded to
read directions,
set it up,
peel every apple in the bowl.
Entertainment for the kiddos?
Just until the apples were gone.

And all this fun? 
All before 11 AM?
That is when I had to make a couple of deliveries in the direction of Gracelyn's house.
And she was to go home.
So it was decided that I would take her
JWS would take Logan to get lunch.
And the three year old and four year old
that was not going to work for them.
They were going together.
They would go with either grandparent,
but they were not going to be separated.
Fearing a scene at Gracelyn's house when they finally HAD to be separated,
I decided to take Logan anyway and run the route backwards
so that they had time to visit.
One of the deliveries was a run in
and I could leave them in the car.
I know, I know,
but really it was only ten feet from the car and it WAS just a drop.
Don't '
"Bad Grandma"

The other was at the place that both of their Dad's work
so that was OK also,
I could take them in there.
we load up.

Gracelyn's overnight bag
The balloon bouquet from the clown that she could not live without
The piece of wood that she painted for her Mom.
Buzz Lightyear
A regular stick horse
A unicorn stick horse.
A booster seat
A car seat
Two Preschoolers.

Oh and don't forget the boxes of shirts that have to be delivered.

All I can say is that I am sure glad that I took the beach umbrella and mat out
or there might not have been room for all that.

About halfway into the circle that I had to make..
and that was about twenty five miles into it.
I hear a siren.
I put on the brakes,
slow down and start to pull to the side of the road.
all the time thinking ambulance...
and I hear
"To Galactia and Beyond!"

Apparently Buzz Lightyear has a real authentic sounding siren.

All before NOON!

The rest of the day went well.
There was no huge scene when I left Gracelyn,
I got work done in the afternoon,
JWS and I came home
from work and stacked a huge load of firewood.

The Apple Peeler Queen
aka My MIL
cooked supper for us,

We came home and I was in bed by

Wonder why?

Today is a totally free day.
Not many of those in my life anymore.
I am going to paint, paint, paint.

Our open house is in two months,



LibbiesHome said…
Happy painting today! You definitely have earned it. :)
Ann said…
Cathy, Just reading this post makes me tired! You put me to shame and I thought I worked hard. Have a great day today doing what you want to. We are off to our first Cross Country meet of the season - about 1 1/2hours away and then home to a year end baseball party - I won't get any free time today. ~Ann
Too funny about Buzz Lightyear's siren. What a lot going on over at your place. But those little ones are at such a great age! Have fun!!
Denise said…
Enjoy your day off - my goodness - you should be exhausted!
acorn hollow said…
I am tired just reading it but so much fun was had.
Teresa said…
Sounds like another one of your busy but somewhat fun days. I can imagine only you pulling over for the siren.
Enjoy your free day of painting.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
What a full and happy day you had. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Happy Painting and Peace n Quiet Id say after yesterday you earned it ! lol But that almost sounded like my normal day , so now im twice as exhausted after reading that and think I may have to have a nap! have a great weekend! hugs lil raggedy angie
So enjoyed reading about your day~ the kids are adorable~ Beach bums so cute!!!!What wonderful~ hetic memories, best times!!!

TheCrankyCrow said…
So glad to hear your back to your "regular" chaos....What a hoot! I would so love to play in your car....You really had a straw hat and that necklace in your car??? ;o) Love the little mailbox you painted!! Was that alligatored finish already on there - or did you do that somehow??? Lucky Shawnee!! Have fun painting....hope the solitude doesn't push you over the edge...."To Galactica and Beyond!!" Have a wonderful, wonderful, day Sweetie! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Christine said…
Hi! Just wanted to thank you for your owl tutorial and pattern!
I used it today and made some cute owls - so pleased how they turned out. I have posted pics on my blog, ''and linked back to you.
I love the pics of your grandchildren! They are so sweet but definitely energetic!
Hope you enjoy your day 'off'!
Anonymous said…
Cath: You really need a girl's night...I mean weekend away!! :)
Laurie said…
Wew! I'm ready to go back to bed Cathy, I don't know how you do it! What an awesome, patient Gramma!

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