Sunday's Projects

This pattern screamed out to me from Pinterest (of course)
the other day.
You see,
I had the afghan below started
when Shelby was expecting
That's three years ago,
in the event that anyone was counting.
Here is the link to the pattern.

When I realized that it was too wide,
I was way past the point of no return,
and like another, couple,
alright, at least a dozen of so
other projects,
that have been tossed in a bag and sent to the
I pulled it back out,
added the neutral colored yarn,
found in the stash.
And started working again.

Ripping out the old one as I go.
just in the event that you think,
"Poor Kendall, didn't she get a blanket?"
I did make one for her,
she wasn't deprived.
Hopefully this will help make her transition
to a big girl room!

Of course, there has to be another project in the works.
Another "doily" scarf well on the way.

Coffee stained and pressed some
way too white doilies.
And now...
it seems lately that some of you get the totally
wrong impression of my neatness skills.
Just to set the record straight...
This mess was all in the closet in my sewing room.
Looking just about like this...

Turned on the movie,
with Tom Hanks,
and sat on the floor today and cut away!
Love the piano scene in that movie.

Now that is neatness.
Unfortunately, they made it to my table in my sewing room and haven't been put away.
There's always tomorrow.

Also managed to cook a meal.
Country style spare ribs in homemade sauce
with pasta
garlic bread.
 Love these days,
sure wish I could have one EVERYDAY!

In true
ADD fashion though...
I just remembered that I have clothes in the washer.

Not me!


Sheila said…
I think that new project is going to be much better than the first endeavor! I really like all the colors together now that you've added the "natural" to it.
You know, if I wouldn't be linched by my hubby for doing it, I would cut up a whole slew of his "wool plaid" shirts to put in my stockpile I'd like to start!!!!! The man is obsessed with those dang things. Slowly but surely I am weening him from them. Just hope he doesn't recognize the plaid when I start making pennies! ;-)
Dinner sounds yummy!
annie said…
Wonderful photos, I like the new afghan! I love the plum yarn and the doilies!
What a beautiful crochet project...I love the colors you are using in it too.
Isn't it fun to have one of those days like that...I love them too. Had one last week but they are few and far between here.
Your dinner sounds wonderful...we had a big ham!

frontporchprims said…
I saw that pattern on someones board in Pinterest this weekend too. I love, love, love, it. I wanted to pin it but I knew I could never make that. The colors you picked are beautiful. I love the movie BIG too. We watched it all the time as kids. I haven't seen it for years though. -Steph-
I love crocheting in the's warm! And you have some beautiful colors to work with! Pinterest has so many great ideas! I get lost looking at them all! ♥
Your Craft Book said…
Thank goodness it is not just me with the unfinished projects. Now I don't feel so bad!! Maureen
I always glad to hear I'm not the only one with lots of unfinished projects.
Neat that's not me either ~ I love the lived in look!!!LOL
Have fun!
Prim Blessings

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