Winter Blahs

Such a negative title,
but I am fighting them.
Trying to stay positive,
it's really not my favorite time of year.
For years,
January meant a mission trip to the
Dominican Republic
a trip to Florida.
A break from winter anyway.
Hershey was fun
but it was still winter.
I am knitting,
a set of mittens for a friend.
and some more cowls.

A chair found at a thrift shop,
waiting for the paintbrushes, 
if i could just make myself pick them up!  
JWS is buying this by the case.

And today...
I think that I will plant this Chia Pet.
My MIL received this as a gift.
I think that the kids will like watching it grow.

And a winner in my giveaway!

Congrats Theresa!

I won a giveaway!
I am so excited.
picked me for her unbirthday
I am watching the mail daily!


Trace4J said…
I think you need a hug.
Big hugs to ya
Love the mittens.
Hi Cathy,

Love your scarf ! I couldn't knit if my life depended on it.. it makes me nervous.

Great chair you found !

My winter blahs haven't been too bad this winter.. I love the idea of not much snow.. then I can drive off this mountain I live on...and go walk the *big* DuBois mall ! :o)

Have a fun day !

It went out Priority mail yesterday Cathy!!!!

Let me know when you get it!

Congrats to Theresa!

And I can't wait to see what you do with that chair!

Carmen and the Primcats
Congratulations to Theresa!!

I hear ya Cathy! I got a bad case of the Blah's. (winter Blues, Sun downer's) whatever you want to call it, I got it! Trying hard to get back into the crafting mode. My 10 yr olds Birthday is this Sunday, so I need to snap out of it. I promised him a movie and dinner out (his choice)
Love the mittens. And can't wait to see what you do with the chair!
Enjoy your day, Cathy!
Sheila said…
Feeling a bit of that myself Cathy. To much else happening right now doesn't help the blah's though.
Congrats to Teresa on the win and to yourself too! Awesome goodies!
Thanks for my little surprise too.
hugz to ya my friend~
WINTER BLAHHHS....I think it's an epidemic ... lots of it going around.
And the Alka Seltzer Cold Plus...we have purchased it two times the past 2 weeks...once for me and now for my husband. Miserable old colds - and seems this time of year you can't shake them.

Congratulations to Theresa...lucky winner.
Thanks so much for hosting this Give A-Way

Teresa said…
Sorry you have the blahs! I think we all get like that sometimes.
I can only imagine how you will paint that chair. Can't wait to see it.
At our house we know it is Christmas time when we see the Chia Pet commercials. Have fun witht the grandkids watching it grow. I see one of your fun stories in the future.
So excited to win your giveaway.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
Angela said…
Congrats to Theresa. Love the mittens you are knitting and the scarf. I must have the blahs. Haven't been in the craft room much since Christmas, but doing things with my hands. Can't wait to see the plain chair turned into something beautiful with that magical paintbrush of yours. Hope JWS gets to feeling better soon. Hey, then I am sure you will feel better also. Sick men are no fun to be around. (ugh) Congrats. on your win from Carmen. Hoping you have a Thankful Thursday.
Catherine said…
Yep...I've got them too ~ the blahs ~ bring on spring!!!
Love your cowl! Great springy color. Oh my gosh ~ the boys got Chia pets a few years ago for Christmas and had a blast watching them grow!
Congrats to Theresa on her win and to you as well!!
frontporchprims said…
January and February are the hardest months to get through. I love the mittens. Congrats to Theresa. -Steph-
Lesley said…
I hear you Cathy, I don't like winter much either. Today the sun actually came out for a few seconds, literally after a morning and afternoon of freezing rain and snow. Rain on the way for next few days...ARGH
We need warmth and sunshine....big hug, better days ahead.
Congratulations to the winner and to you for the unbirthday giveaway!!

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