Insomnia Post

Or otherwise known as,
The Ramblings of a Crazy Woman
So here goes,
To start with,
the pic above is the start of a tutorial that I will be posting
later today
or tomorrow
well, I have good intentions.
It will be for these sheep,
when it happens.

To start with,
this is totally being blamed on day seven
Can't sleep,
but on the up side,
I don't think that I have been mean at all.
That might be yet to come.
But then again,
it might be due to too much on my mind,
and a little too much to do,
which I am trying to work through quietly
JWS slumbers peacefully.

So to start,
and this was a success so far this er..
whatever it is.
I think that I managed to get all my personal stuff.
switched to Gmail.
there was too much jamming up my work email.
It really needed separated.
I could not get my other email on my phone.
Gmail seems to work.
One thing done,

yesterday I finally realized,
after fighting my contacts for a month of not seeing real well,
that I had two left contacts in!
Don't ask me how this happens,
if I knew I would change it.
Life just gets a little confusing sometimes.
And then
it is a downhill slope when you can't see right.
Happy to report,
I can see great now!

Yesterday, Feb. 22nd,
I managed to take the motorcycle for a little trip down the road.
Gotta love that first little circle of the spring.
Makes me want summer even more,
but for right now...
I was froze when I got home!

Knock Me Over With A Feather
Last Friday,
I am on the Dialysis Run, waiting and haunting
one of my favorite thrift shops
when I get a call from JWS.
He starts by telling me that what he is about to say is going to shock me.
Really shock me.
I think that maybe we should do this in person.
Because after all this is one of my favorite shops
and I don't want it shrouded in a
of a
traumatizing, life-changing epiphany,
Might as well save those for non-fun places like the dentist's office.
Then he informs me that someone called from the school and they wanted to know
if we could house students (teenagers)  for a weekend
for the regional band conference.
I say,
"Yes, I have had the calls and letters and told them no because
I knew you wouldn't agree to it."
And he says.
"Well, we have kids coming, this sounds like fun!"
My comment,

So this morning,
I am cleaning
and laying out towels
and making a grocery list
getting ready for
four teenage girls to arrive tonight.
It has been years since I have had four teenage girls in the house.
It was fun then,
but I am much older now.
I might need a nap this afternoon.

Still with me? 
Let's see..
Happy news.
Create and Decorate took two more of my projects for issues this year.
No pics of those at their request.
My daughter, Shelby turns 30 today.
Where did those years ago?
I am meeting my Blog and Facebook friend, Beverley today
in person for the first time.
We are taking a painting class together in Virginia in August
and decided to have brunch together today,
while I am on the Dialysis run.
I can't wait to meet her in person!

I think that is all.
I am off to take my nativity set down.
Shouldn't that have already been done?


acorn hollow said…
you do have a bad case of insommia.
4 teen girls will be fun but I am tired already. Have fun with brunch it is so nice to meet blogging friends.
congrats on the magazine entries.
I do hope you get some sleep soon it makes for a very long day when you don't.
Trace4J said…
Oh Funny friend I am pooped just reading this
Just love your sheep. Have fun meeting your friend.
Sheila said…
Hey there girlie~
Happy morning to ya! I'm with Trace, I'm tired just reading all that has gone on; not to be confused with "tired of reading, either!" I look forward to your posts-all of them! And BTW, you are getting one of my giveaway books! Yep. Robin forfeited and you were next. Sending it out today.
Happy bday to your daughter!
Catherine said…
It's morning and I'm worn out just reading all that you have done and will be doing! How fun to be meeting a blogging friend! And four teenage girls? Can't wait to hear all about that!
Teresa said…
How fun to meet a blogger friend. I just got up and I am alreay tired just reading about your days.
Have fun with the teenagers, I am sure a fun blog will follow.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
Balisha said…
You wear me out just reading this. Have fun with those girls. Maybe you'll need a nap before they arrive. Can't wait to read your post about their visit.
Oh my Goodness! The sheep that I LOVE! Can't wait for the tutorial, THANK YOU!
Congratulations on your magazine enteries, How exciting!
Have fun at your Brunch with your Friend. And 4 teenage girls, oh my!
Enjoy your weekend Cathy!
Happy Thursday afternoon! I can't wait to see the sheep tutorials,
and have a good time with the kids.
I miss those days.
Tam said…
i luv sheep. I so hope I can figure out the tutorial when you post it but I'm sure they wont look as good as yours. must be sleeping by now dear lady! lol
Your tall sheep are wonderful...oh to have such a talent! I always wished I could paint but it never came out...must still be buried really deep.
I love GMAIL...I haven't had many spams or bad e-mails come through...they are very good at filtering.
Enjoy your meeting with your blog friend. That's always a fun thing when we meet those we only chat with on the internet.

Lesley said…
Do you have a telephone booth in your yard, a red cape and a mask hidden anywhere??? I think you are superwoman!!!
Get some sleep girl, do you really need that Prednisone????
Good luck with the 4 girls and enjoy lunch with your blogger friend. Always nice to meet face to face isn't it??? we should know :)
Les xo
Yes, I'm sure there will be a blog about this weekend!!!! Should be interesting.
Nice meeting blog friends in person!!!!
TheCrankyCrow said…
Am I really this far behind again?? Yikes. How does this happen? Never mind. Perhaps if I could stay up until 4:53 AM and keep on going like Cyclonic Cathy, I'd stay caught up. Kind of funny - I'm so far behind I forfeited the GP book in Shelia's giveaway since I hadn't visited her for an eternity either - and look who won it! ;o) So happy for you that you did - glad Shelby enjoyed it. And, ahhh - that's who those girls were! Guess I should have started from the bottom up. Glad to hear/see you survived. Hope your week is off to a great start. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (PS - Congratulations on your latest entries for C&D - can't wait to see!)

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