A Challenge & Two More Finished

issued a challenge to me to see which one of us could finish the most projects

Always up for some motivation..
I accepted! 
If anyone else wants to join in
just comment here and
we will link your blog and sign you up.
There might even be a prize!

So that being said,
the two pillows above are one and two.
Of course, it would not be fair to have yesterday's finishes.

A few more blocks on the stash buster.

And if you saw yesterday's post,
you might recognize the disaster
rat's nest of fabric.
All organized, that should speed things up.

And a project in progress.
A bath mat throw rug that I started awhile ago,
got a few more rows this morning.

So any takers?

Let's see how many things you can finish this week. 
Comment here or over on Ann's blog,
and join in!


Sheila said…
You can do it, I'll be rooting for ya!
Love the crazy quilt pillows! What types of fabric are they made from?
Barb said…
This sounds like a great idea--I would love to be doing the UFO in my craft zone but unfortunately we are in the middle of a remodel. If and when I ever get to painting again I wonder if I will even know how to do it?!
Wishing you loads of encouragement!
Ann said…
Cathy, Just posted my finishes for the day. I have to stop finishing and become a mom for the rest of the day! I will take a few things to the ballpark with me tonight to work on finishing stitches. Great job on your finishes today - let's keep going strong!!! ~Ann
Debbie said…
Hi Cathy,
Do you sell your pillows? If so how much are they? I love them!!!!

God Bless~
Hi Cathy,
You CAN Doooo IT!!!! That was my Arnold Swarzenager (sp) hahhahaha
Boy, was just thinking about you this morning and thinking I haven't heard from you, but I guess it's me. I'm not in blogworld every day and I scroll down to see who wrote and on the days I am here, I must have missed you!!!
Glad your enjoying your summer.
How was that paint class in June? I thought about it...........

Your off to a good start Cathy! I know you can do it. Love the pillows!


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