Three more finished.

The little pennants have been partially finished for over a week.
Number three.

Rug finished.
Number 4.

The big pennants.
Number 5.

Ann is way ahead of me on this challenge,
I am really happy to have at least finished something

This is what we call the
on our deck.
Named by the carpenter that built it.
The name stuck.

After the untimely death of the camper,
(more on that in another post)
I decided to decorate this
with the collection of camper decorations
that I had started.

Getting mixed reviews.
What do you think?


Ann said…
Cathy, I love the pennants- very cute. Is this a pattern, or something you made up? Did you use interfacing? I'd love to know more about them.

I didn't get one thing done yesterday - dentist appointments and hair cuts for the kids. Why is it that now Carrie can drive herself and has her own car does Mom have to go along? I just wanted her to take her youngest brother with her for them both to get haircuts. Nope, I had to take middle child to get his cut, run him home and go back so I could be there for her. Then middle child had a double header last night - we were eating dinner at 10:00pm. Hopefully today I can get a few things done. ~Ann
Catherine said…
Looks cozy with the camper decor!
Trace4J said…
Perfect. Love it.
Super sweet banner.
frontporchprims said…
The pennants look like so much fun. Are they fabric or paper? I need to make some:) Casnabberfort looks like a sweet spot to relax. I do like what you have done to it. If it is a tribute of some sort, who cares what the review is. It's the meaning behind it that counts. Have a great day. -Steph-
Liking your Casnabberfort! I would change the pink flowers to orange and add a few more touches of tourquise!

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