Couch Potato

That is what I have been.
I started this new afghan for Gracelyn's new room
I am addicted to it.
So relaxing,
such fun colors.

I found the pattern here.

JWS suggested that I clean out the fridge.
This is
Mussel Tuna Shrimp Potato

See why this is not a cooking blog?
It smells good though
and the fridge is empty(ier)
So far is is tasty.
I'll let you know my thoughts on that later.

A Roaring Fire.
The problem with that is,

The afghan is set up in the
Living Room.

Hope all of you are enjoying this
Christmas Season.
I  know that I am getting lots of rest!

That is if you don't count
bringing in firewood
an occasional
sled ride with the boys!


Ann said…
That soup sounds interesting! I'm not even going to attempt to use the leftovers in my fridge - somehow shrimp with hamburger gravy just doesn't sound appetizing. I've been trying to catch up on UFO's again - why is that the story of my life? LOL. Happy New Year. ~Ann
Angela said…
Love the colors in that afghan. Can't wait to see it all done. You have lots of patience I am telling you. Thought of you and all your grands on Thurs. Night. Darbee Rae finally spent the night with me for the first time ever. Even did a blog post about it. I have been envious of you and your grands as she would always cry and go home. Hopefully now she will stay often. Love the fire. The soup... well I would have to pick through as some of the ingredients I don't think I would like. {smile} Hope your MIL is doing better and Have a Happy New Year.
jennifer768 said…
Oh that is looking pretty! LOL! I am thinking that you need to change rooms.Happy New Year!Hugs,Jen
Balisha said…
You...a couch potato??? I didn't believe it for a minute. I just knew your hands would be busy with something. Enjoy your deserve it.
Amber said…
That's funny. I've been working on the same afghan for Lily's room since August! I've been a little sidetracked as of late though, with all of my business orders. It was supposed to be a Christmas gift, then when I saw that wasn't going to happen I thought it would be a b-day gift (February), but now I'm thinking it will be a "when-I-get-it-done" gift. LOL.
Love the afghan! Beautiful colors.
I can't imagine you being a couch potato!

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