Let's go for a ride

we returned dishes,
rode around in the snow.
The top picture is the view across the backyard when we returned home.
A Deer in someone's yard.

An Amish farm,
with laundry on the porch.
Sort of makes one thankful for a dryer.

Another deer.

This is what most of the roads we were on looked like,
but then,
we sort of chose the back roads.
Although, I am not a huge fan of winter,
it was a really pretty day.  


Trace4J said…
A beautiful day!
woolie love
Sheila said…
Beautiful, quiet scenery ride. Perhaps it was just what you both needed..........
Teresa said…
You really live in a beautiful part of the country. I enjoyed the ride home.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
Holly said…
Wow! If there were that much snow here in GA and the roads looked like that, our town would be shut down! Ha! Beautiful pictures.
Laurie said…
Awesome pics Cathy. The laundry reminded me of when I was first married and I didn't have a dryer. Ken said if hanging clothes outside in the winter was good enough for his grandmother it was good enough for me. Not! I don't care what they say, wet clothes don't dry in freezing weather! I did end up with a dryer, after he saw it wasn't happening!
jennifer768 said…
Beautiful pics!So glad that you enjoyed your day.Hugs,Jen

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