What a month!

See this face?
That about sums up January for me!
This is Garren's excited face. 
Mine looks the same,
but maybe not for the same emotion.
I always look forward to January.
Slow at work,
lots of days to come home early.
Lots of big projects to complete.
Well, let's just say,
January didn't quite shape up that way. 
I had high hopes of getting lots of stockings finished for next year,
some painting orders done,
some rest.

I got a lot of these done.
Quick and easy.

Instant gratification.

Not a whole lot of thought.

Projects anyway.

Welcomed this new little boy.
Did a little thrift shopping.

Spent some quality time with Kendall
So did Papaw.

A little more thrift shopping....
And even managed to make curtains for Kendall's room.
(Well, Mom made the pinwheels, I just sewed them together)
All in all,
still some projects completed..
most of the Christmas decorations put away,
and now..
on to
Dare I think that I will get those stockings done?


Sheila said…
You did have quite a month.......still got lots accomplished, more than I can say for myself!
Hard to believe one month already gone.

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