How fast can you crochet?

Pretty fast if you only have a week.
Last Saturday,
I got the hare-brained idea that I could make afghan
for the shower that I went to

And as fast as my hands could move,
I worked all week.
All the colors that were in the room that I painted,
I wanted it to match.

And Friday night...
it was done! 
All that, with some time leftover!


Amber said…
Oh, I've done that many times before!
Laurie said…
Good grief Cathy! I could never crochet that fast, my hands would freeze up! I love the colors, it turned out so pretty.
Ann said…
It takes me forever to crochet a blanket. The last one I did took me almost 2 months to finish. I can never sit still long enough to get much done.
Art From The heart said…
Wow ! That's pretty fast and lovely too!
annie said…
it's beautiful, speedy hook, I crochet, but much slower than that!
My Colonial Home said…
Beautiful...the colors just pop.
Is there any doubt when we need to get something done in a short time that we can do it...nope...I think we all work better under pressure and a deadline. I know I do.
Lois said…
What a beautiful blanket. And in only a week! I am so impressed.

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