Auction Night

Last night was another auction at our local fairgrounds.
The fair board sells the food at these auctions.
Some of us spend way more than the fair board makes.
Money in, money out.
We sure have fun at them though!
I saw this quilt come up for bid.
Somehow, I had missed it in my early preview.
Since we have to get food ready ahead of time,
I manage to peruse the goods prior to the auction.
Missed this!
I did get it for what I thought was a good price.
It looks like feed sack material.
The stitching is really nice.
(Just as a side note, Blogger is being a little contemptible
about loading pictures in order or at all. )

Also, scored this ice sign. 
I missed that in the preview also.
I have been looking for one of these for awhile
and didn't want to pay the high $$$
that they were running.

There are more treasures in my car,
it was raining when we came home
and we were tired.
right now,

I am drinking this...

from this....
waiting on this.
This coffee pot was the main thing that I wanted. 
It will be perfect in the camper.
You can check here for my other big camper purchase.
It didn't get auctioned until toward the end of the auction
as the crowd dwindled,
I was seeing a bargain happening....
Apparently, someone else wanted it as much as I did.
I was persistent,
I was steely-eyed.
I was determined.
I just paid a whole lot for it!
JWS wanted to know if I knew how to make coffee in it.
I assured him that I did.
I might be a little rusty at that
really, in my defense,
we need percolator ground coffee.
But actually,
as I got to thinking,
the last time that I made percolator coffee on the stove,
was in Haiti
six years ago.
I might need to practice before the camping trip.


Amber said…
And auction! How fun! Do they do these regularly? I'd love to go to one!
Awesome finds!!!
I really like the quilt you got ~ such beautiful colors!
Love the coffee pot ~ too!
Prim Blessings
Wow you captured some wonderful treasures. LOVE the coffee pot !
Ann said…
I like the quilt. I remember the old percolator coffee pot we had when I was growing up but I've never actually made coffee in one.

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