Camping Weekend

I truly forgot how nice it is to relax.
So relaxed that I forgot to take a picture of EllieJ, the camper, on her maiden voyage!
Oh, I took a few on the way,
there was a slight breakdown. 
More on that later, when I figure out this picture thing.

We camped close to home,
thank goodness,
because there were a few issues on the five mile trip!

But it is such a pretty place,
with no social media
or phone service.
Yet, should there be an emergency,
we were easily found! 

And I rested.

What a great feeling! 
Time to slow down
God's creation!
If you are looking for a great escape campground
large campsites.
This is nearby.
Today was my surgery
it went well.
There was not as much damage as the doctor originally thought.
He is considering shortening the
No Weight Bearing
That's a good thing,
because these crutches
my level of gracefulness
Recipe for Disaster! 


Sheila said…
A little R & R before your surgery........good thinking. Glad it went well and hope you recovery quickly.
My Colonial Home said…
Oh camping - so fun....we did it for YEARS then the boys left home and we sold the camper. Now after all these years I wish I had it back again.

So glad your surgery went well and the prognosis is good. I guess one has to THINK when walking with those crutches...something that would be hard for me to

Holly said…
What a pretty place! Glad you were able to relax and enjoy your trip! Glad your surgery went well. Hope you are back up and going soon!
Ann said…
The campground looks very peaceful and relaxing.
Glad to hear that your surgery went well. You are a true blogger posting on the same day you had

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