Old McDivitt's Farm
Saturday morning found us at the farm.
Not sure how my friends are going to take the "old" part.
It just sounded good!
Gracelyn, Garren and Kendall loved it!
Kamden was there too and I didn't get a picture of him.
Oh my, but keeping up with a two year old
in wide open spaces
considering that I still have a cast on...
well let's just say
pictures were snapped fast
I missed a pic of Kamden!
The chickens were a hit.
How excited is Garren at those lambs?
I am not sure if Kendall was more taken with
Cliffy, the calf
or the littlest farmer baby, Quin.
Gracelyn was all about the calf.
Garren has no fear of anything.
But the hit of the day?
The corn crib!
Sure wish I would have had one of these all weekend!
The kids were fascinated by playing in the corn. 
They did not want to leave.
Who knew a bunch of corn could entertain them that long?
They would not even pose for pictures.
For years, I have thought that summer began around here when Bible School was over.
Considering that I didn't even help with it all week this year,
it still feels that way.
everything seems as though it is slowing down.
I must say,
that the two weeks that I was off this foot completely
were so much harder than I thought they would be.
JWS likened me to Linda Blair
in the Exorcist
while I never saw that movie,
I "got"
the picture he was trying to portray.
I knew that it was not that bad,
that I was being totally unreasonable,
I kept telling myself that...
but it was hard to shake.
So now,
on to summer projects.
I have a list...of course.
Summer is in full swing here - way too many things going on to keep track...wish it WOULD slow down because when I look at the calendar it's full then it will be OVER.
Hope you heal fast kiddo! Can't be very much fun with hot weather.